Speaking URLs - Slugs

A slug is a unique name for an resource. The index has an slug field for all indices and can be used to map a “speaking URL” segment to an index. Since an event can produce multiple indices, we need an extra logic to generate unique slugs for them.

Slug structure

The slug of an index consists out of multiple parts:

  1. base-slug

    Speaking part of the slug for each event using the SpeakingUrlInterface (or a fallback method).

  2. slug-suffix (optional)

    Additionally date suffix for events with multiple occurrences.

  3. regular-core-conflict-counter (optional)

    Counting suffix to prevent duplicates, if the previous slug already exists.

Custom base slug for own events

The SpeakingUrlInterface can be used to generate the base slug for events. Implement this interface in your event model and return a value e.g. a title or slug.

Extend the slug generation

The slugs are generated inside SlugService and can be expanded by using the following PSR-14 events:

  • BaseSlugGenerationEvent
  • SlugSuffixGenerationEvent