Here you find all the changes through the versions.
Version |
Changes |
1.0.0 |
More TypoScript- and FlexForms-Settings. Carousel-Example updated. |
1.1.0 |
More examples added. Karussell-Import improved. |
1.2.0 |
Major bug fixed: wrong path to the templates. More examples added. |
1.3.0 |
S Gallery and jQuery.Flipster template added. Template Carousel.html improved. More size variables added. Bug fixed: you can use the 0 in the FlexForms too. |
1.4.0 |
Update-script added. Execute it, if you have used the categories in Typo3 6.0 or 6.1, after updating to Typo3 6.2. Categories to FlexForms added. |
2.0.0 |
Category localisation. categoryMode to the configuration added. {content.categories} renamed to {content.categoriesAndParents}. The first one shows you another list now! See chapter Administration/Categories. Template-Layouts added: you can use now more layouts in one template (see chapter Page TSconfig). 3 new fields: phone, mobile and email. 3 new HTML-Templates (SKDslider, OWL carousel 2, Responsive Carousel). Hooks for the extensions linkvalidator and ke_search added. |
3.0.0 |
The category selection works now with all examples and not only with the extended ones. 8 new fields for the single view: images and their caption. Folder-image added. Mostly all examples modified (only improvements, e.g. for Bootstrap 3). Successfully tested with Typo3 7.0 and the extension compatibility6. Requirements set to Typo3 6.2.2 |
3.1.0 |
Template Tab.html (for Bootstrap) and Lightslider.html added. Option added: automatic search for Latitude and Longitude. Possibility to extend the Camaliga-table-fields. Typo3 7 compatibility increased (does still not work with Typo3 7.1). |
3.2.0 |
Bug fixed: tt_news import. Typo3 7 compatibility increased. New backend form: sortable thumbnail overview. New templates: Isotope, jQuery Full Width Image Slider, Coolcarousel. |
4.0.0 |
Template-list in the FlexForms rearranged. Demo-link to the templates added in this documentation. New FlexForms for Bootstrap components. New templates: slick carousel, Bootstrap Collapse/Accordion, Bootstrap Modal. ke_search-Indexer renamed. Several improvements (e.g. category-search in the normal templates). |
5.0.0 |
Extended templates can be enabled now by an option. See chapter "Updating to camaliga 5.0.0". 3 templates are now deprecated. See chapter "Updating to camaliga 5.0.0". Brand new: full-text search and proximity search. New backend modules: CSV-Import and mv_cooking-Import. New options: sort after crdate, settings.limit, settings.extended.* New templates: search (see chapter "Administration / Extended templates"). ke_search-indexer renamed! Bug fixed: sorting of categories at normal templates. |
6.0.0 |
Camaliga is now TYPO3 7 LTS compatible:
Scheduler-task for CSV export added. Deprecated actions and templates removed: galleryviewExtended, adGalleryExtended and mapExtended. |
6.0.3 |
TCA-problem with TYPO3 7 fixed (maybe you need to flush the general cache). double7-validator fixed. TS settings.googleMapsKey added. |
6.0.6 |
TYPO3 7 bugfix. TS added: settings.maps.key, zoom, startLatitude and startLongitude. googleMapsKey removed. |
6.1.0 |
Template Parallax added. Update-Script for camaliga-version 6.0.0 added. TYPO3 7 related bugfix again. New icon. |
6.2.0 |
TypoScript and FlexForm settings added: settings.more.* Added variables: {contents.moduloBegin}, {contents.moduloEnd}. Added templates: Ekko. Modified templates: AdGallery, Flexslider2, Galleryview, Parallax, Slick. Some of this templates can now be controller by TypoScript or FlexForms too. 3 templates are now deprecated: AdGalleryFancyBox, GalleryviewFancyBox, OwlSimpleModal. See chapter "Administration/HTML-Templates". Bugfix: validation error? |
6.3.0 |
2 ViewHelpers added: content- and addPublicResources-ViewHelper. See chapter Administration/ViewHelper. The additional extension camaliga_addon is now available. See chapter Administration/Extend the Camaliga tables. Bugfix: minor things. |
6.3.1 |
Bugfix: minor things. |
6.4.0 |
Template Revolution-Slider and FractionSlider added. Additional fields can now be disabled in the Extension-Manager. Fulltextsearch searches now in custom1 too. Some small improvements. |
7.0.0 |
TYPO3 6.2 compatibility removed. Templates AdGalleryFancyBox, GalleryviewFancyBox and OwlSimpleModal removed. TS seo.*, maps.language, maps.dontIncludeAPI and maps.includeRoute added. Partial for route planner added. The CSV-import moved to the Scheduler. The PicasaWeb-Import removed. New db-field: contact-person. More disable-options in the extension-configuration-manager. New variable in the templates available: {content.links} |
7.1.0 |
Setting extended.saveSearch added. TYPO3 8.7 compatibility added. Note: there is still no way to parse links from TYPO3 8. |
7.1.6 |
Some minor bugs fixed. Some changes in the documentation. |
8.0.0 |
Support for FAL images added. FAL images can be enabled at the configuration in the extension manager. All templates updated. E.g. links switched to f:link.typolink. The Owl template removed. Use the Owl2 template instead! mv_cooking import removed. |
8.0.1 |
Bugs fixed: getImgConfig and tx_camaliga_double7 removed. |
8.0.2 |
Update-script for wrong FAL relations. Please run the update-script in the extension manager if you use FAL. |
8.1.0 |
Scheduler task added: you can now convert uploads-images to FAL-images! Read the chapter Administration → Scheduler-Tasks. Layout Backend7.html replaced with Backend.html. tx_camaliga_double7 completely removed, because TYPO3 has sometimes a cache-problem with it. |
8.2.0 |
Template Openstreetmap added. Clustering option added. Flexforms for maps added. ke_search-Indexer replaced. |
8.2.8 |
TYPO3 8 bugfix. The field mother is now lazy. Slick template and other things improved. The linkvalidator works now. Minor bug in addPublicResources ViewHelper fixed. |
8.2.9 |
Geocoding fixed. The geocode feature requires now a google maps api key! Elegant Responsive Pure CSS3 Slider added. |
8.3.0 |
Important change: Optimized for TYPO3 8, Bootstrap 4 and jQuery 3. |
8.4.0 |
Now for TYPO3 9 too (if typo3db_legacy is installed). TYPO3_DLOG removed. Now only settings.debug enables the debug mode. Karussell and tt_news import removed. |
8.4.4 |
TYPO3 9 bugfix. |
8.5.0 |
TYPO3 9 and documentation adjustments. typo3db_legacy still necessary. |
9.0.0 |
Extension configuration categoryMode removed! The categories are now get by a TYPO3 core method. Correct ordering of categories in the options. TS category.storagePids, category.sortBy and category.orderBy added. The field "childs" of {content.categoriesAndParents} is now an array, not a string. The repository works now without the typo3db_legacy extension. |
9.1.0 |
New configuration option: actionForLinks (for ke_search). Bugfix: the thumbnail-view in the backend-module is now sortable again. Bugfix: AddPublicResourcesViewHelper. Update-script is now deprecated and will be removed in version 10.0. |
9.2.0 |
slug-field added. If you want to use, you should generate slugs via a scheduler task. Switch to the QueryBuilder at the tasks. exclude=1 at the backend-fields. Bugfix: getLinkResolved. Using the uploads-folder is now deprecated and will be removed in version 10.0. Switch to FAL (see Administration/Scheduler)! |
9.3.0 |
Bugfix: categoriesAndParents contains now again deeper parents in the child list. Bugfix: extended fields now working again. Update-script deleted. Use an older version of camaliga (below 9.2.6) to use it. Slug-task: updates now only entries without a slug. Now compatible with TYPO3 10. |
10.0.0 |
Support for the uploads-folder removed! Default-mode changed! Switch to FAL before you update. Magnific Popup-template added. Revolution- and scrollable-template removed. (Use fp_fractionslider instead.) |
10.1.0 |
Evaluation for coordinates added again. Get geocode now with file_get_contents instead of curl. Debug-output now in the template. Deprecated DevLog removed. Templates changed: new partials. TCA-Bugfix for TYPO3 10. |
10.2.0 |
New and create action added. The test-class uses now PHPUnit. |
10.3.0 |
Layout of list templates changed. Using now div instead of table. Teaser template added. The fields crdate, tstamp and sorting can be used now in the FE-templates too. |
10.4.0 |
Settings extended.template added. ke-search hook updated. AddPublicResourcesViewHelper: addSlash-argument activated again. TCA-Bugfix for TYPO3 10. |
11.0 |
Now for TYPO3 11.3 too. Support for TYPO3 9 dropped. Using the Openstreetmap-API for finding a position is now possible too. Breaking: Template Fractionslider removed (use fp_fractionslider instead)! Template nanogallery2 added. Breaking: Slug-task replaced with a Slug-command. You should delete the task before updating. Otherwise you need to execute "Rebuild PHP Autoload Information" after the update. Breaking: the old variable {fal} removed. Bugfix: don´t ignore selected pages on category-search. |
11.0.3 |
Bugfix for TYPO3 11.5.0. Folder css renamed to Css! ListExtended-Template: the search uses now the search-action too. |
11.1 |
Replacement of the Viewhelper cam:addPublicResources. It is now deprecated. Use f:asset.css or f:asset.script instead. New method for changing the page title and metatags. Utility PageTitle removed. Bugfix for TYPO3 11 (e.g. backend-layout adapted for TYPO3 11.) and PHP 8. |
11.2 |
The ke_search Indexer needs now at least ke_search version 4.0.0. searchCoordinatesInBE added to the extension configuration. Searching for coordinates is now possible in the BE too. Important refactoring: clearing cache is necessary after update! Bugfix for PHP 8. |
11.3 |
Setting extendedCategoryMode added. Empty category entries will be ignored at the search options. Bugfix: metadata for images now working again. Bugfix: don´t ignore given storage PIDs in the show actions. Prevent viewing all camaliga-entries at one place. |
12.0 |
Breaking: all plugins must be changed via an update-script (in the install-tool)! Breaking: the Viewhelper cam:addPublicResources was removed. Breaking: removed the templates AdGallery, Coolcarousel and Test. Breaking: the slug-task was removed. New configuration option: pluginForLinks (for ke_search). Note: if you use own templates, you need to add e.g. pluginName="show" to links to single-pages if pageUid="{settings.showId}" is set. |
12.0.3 |
Allow the show-action at a showExtended-plugin. Allow the search-action at a map-plugin. Bugfix: plugin-updater. |
12.1.0 |
Important change: the Bootstrap templates supports now Bootstrap 5 instead of Bootstrap 4. |
13.0.0 |
Refactored with the rector tool. Setting errorId added: if no uid given, a redirect to an error page can be configured. Ignore validation in show and showExtended action removed! |
13.0.3 |
Sorting in the backend module works now again. Bugfix: backend preview. Bugfix: old TYPO3 fields removed. |
13.0.5 |
Bugfix: data handler hook. Bugfix for sql_mode=only_full_group_by. |
13.0.6 |
Bugfix: prevent warnings. |