
Property: Data type: Description: Default:
resources.imagePath string Defines the path where the images for the frontend plugins are located. If you like to add own images, pleas make a copy of the existing folder and change the images (same name) EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Images/
css.frontendCss string Defines the path where the partials are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Css/style.min.css
javascript.jquery string Location of jQuery.js, if you allready included jQuery in your setup, place an empty string here EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
javascript.bignumber string Location of bignumber.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/bignumber-rev4/js/bignumber.min.js
javascript.moment string Location of moment.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/moment/2.17.1/moment.min.js
javascript.imagesloaded string Location of imagesloaded.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/imagesloaded/4.1.4/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
javascript.masonry string Location of masonry.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/masonry/4.2.1/masonry.pkgd.min.js
javascript.knockout string Location of knockout.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout.js
javascript.knockoutVm string Location of knockoutVm.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Js/gpsnose.knockout.min.js
javascript.maframework string Location of maframework.js, if empty, script will not be loaded EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Public/Mashup/Js/maframework.min.js
login.loginPid int UID of the page where the login-module is placed  
login.groupId int UID of the fe-group that is used for user logged in by GpsNose  
login.loginNamePrefix string prefix for usernam logged in by GpsNose (if the user called foo, it will be stored as #foo) #
mashup.activeMashup string Defines the name of the active mashup. If the value is empty, the system will select the first mashup from GpsNose.  
mashup.callbackPid int UID of the page to use for mashup-callback  
view.templateRootPath string Defines the path where the templates are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPath string Defines the path where the partials are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPath string Defines the path where the layouts are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Layouts/
persistence.storagePid int Sysfolder where all created entries are stored (required!)  


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
templateRootPath string Defines the path where the templates are located. EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Backend/Templates/
partialRootPath string Defines the path where the partials are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/
layoutRootPath string Defines the path where the layouts are located EXT:gpsnose/Resources/Private/Backend/Partials/
