During development of t3api, you will be dealing with two different TYPO3 installations, which serve different purposes.
Unit and functional testing installation
- It is a minimal TYPO3 installation, which is used for running unit and functional tests.
- Files are under directory
- You can install it manually with
ddev composer i
- It is installed automatically while using command ddev ci [T3_VERSION|all] [PHP_VERSION] [lowest]
- There can be only one TYPO3 version installed at one time.
Integration and manual testing installation
- This installation is a full TYPO3 accessible under
and it is used for testing REST API endpoints using Postman tests. It is also used for manual testing.[TYPO3_ VERSION]. t3api. ddev. site - Files are under directory
test/ [TYPO3_ VERSION] - You can install it manually using command ddev install [T3_VERSION|all]
- It is installed automatically while using command ddev ci [T3_VERSION|all] [PHP_VERSION] [lowest]
- There can be multiple TYPO3 versions integrations installations at one time each under different url.