Customizing operation handler

Sometimes predefined operations may not be enough to handle all use cases. In fact build-in endpoints supports CRUD on Extbase entities. If you would like to create something more complex then you need to utilize custom operation handlers.

As name suggests, "operation handlers" determines how specific request is processed. T3api dispatcher checks if there is handler matching current request and executes it.

To register new operation handler it is needed to add new item to t3api configuration array, as on example below:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['t3api']['operationHandlers'][\Vendor\Extension\OperationHandler\MyCustomOperationHandler::class] = 100;

Name of the element of array is the name of the class and the value is the priority. Priority is needed because there may be multiple handlers which supports current request. Higher priority means that handler wins and will be executed. Only one handler will be executed for every request. Most of build-in handlers have negative priorities so it is suggested to use priority higher than 0 in custom handlers.

Every handler has to implement interface \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\OperationHandlerInterface. This interface forces handler class to contain two methods:

  • supports (static) - Basing on input arguments method takes a decision if current class can handle the operation and return boolean value (true - supports; false - does not support). Accepts arguments:
    • $operation (\SourceBroker\T3api\Domain\Model\OperationInterface).
    • $request (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request).
  • handle - Contains code responsible for handling operation. Executed only when supports returns true. Accepts arguments:
    • $operation (\SourceBroker\T3api\Domain\Model\OperationInterface).
    • $request (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request).
    • $route (array) - Array with route parameters (e.g. $route['id'] inside single items operations which uses {id} in URL).
    • &$response (\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface) - reference to response.

It is useful and advised (but not required) to extend existing abstract classes when creating custom handlers:

  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\AbstractCollectionOperationHandler when creating custom collection operation handler.
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\AbstractItemOperationHandler when creating custom item operation handler.
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\AbstractOperationHandler or at least common abstract operation handler which contain bunch of useful things which may be needed in your custom handler (like deserialization process, injecting services or getting appropriate repository for current operation).

Even better to extend any of already existing operations if that is possible:

  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\CollectionGetOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\CollectionPostOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\FileUploadOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\ItemDeleteOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\ItemGetOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\ItemPatchOperationHandler
  • \SourceBroker\T3api\OperationHandler\ItemPutOperationHandler


Example of declaration and usage of custom operation handler can be found in current user endpoint use case.