- [!!!] Changes signal slots into PSR-14 events [issue]
- Protect against "&cHash empty" error when
is set totrue
[issue] - Add testing instance for TYPO3 12, remove testing instance for TYPO3 10. Change PHP to 8.1 for testing instances.
- [!!!] Drop TYPO3 10, TYPO3 11 on dependencies. Update dependencies to TYPO3 12.
- Move changing language request set in header X-Locale to earlier stage, before "typo3/cms-frontend/tsfe". Add support for setting language of api request by standard language prefix instead of header X-Locale. [commit]
- Prevent FileReferenceHandler and ImageHandler from throwing error on problems with processing, missing file etc. [commit]
- Add crop support for ImageHandler [commit]
- Add essential meta information to the OpenAPI spec [commit]
- Do not convert empty string to absolute url [commit]
- Refactor link generation. Replace getTypoLink_URL with linkFactory. [commit]
- Add support for graceful exception handling for serialization process in TYPO3 [commit]
- Add optional @type attribute for resource. As this is rarely used, and can influence size of response, it must be activated by adding a subscriber to serializerSubscribers array. [commit]
- Extend dependency for symfony/cache to prevent t3api from downgrading symfony/cache in TYPO3 11 environments [commit]
- Move from travis to github actions [commit]
- Make php-cs-fixer config form TYPO3/coding-standards. Update .editorconfig from TYPO3/coding-standards [commit]
- Refactor ddev for test instances. [commit]
- Adds support for TYPO3 v11 [issue]
- Makes it possible to include custom paths as API resources [issue]
- Adds support for API resources inside subdirectories of
[issue] - [!!!] Drops support for TYPO3 < 10.4
- [!!!] Changes annotation
[commit 1; commit 2] - [!!!] Changes signal slot
parameters structure to indexed array instead of associative [commit]
- Fixes composer dependencies conflict regarding doctrine/cache [pull request; discussion]
- Unifies expression language context for all usages [84cb085; 85c2455]
- Differentiates cache for API resource according to site's and API base path [f54843c]
- Adds possibility to set different serializer context attributes for serialization and deserialization [bbf104d]
- Implements support for CORS configuration [pull request] [doc]
- Implements request processors and moves language handling into processor [2f9a75e]
- Base development version on DDEV
- Implements easy and safe way to assign current frontend user to records [56a38d7] [doc]
- Adds support for RTE on serialization [3c09f5]
- Adds support for password hashing on serialization [78dcbef]
- Fixes current site resolver
- Extends backend module by site selector [3389936]