This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


1.2.7 - [FEATURE] use by default

1.2.6 - [FEATURE] Youtube Player parameters (global, per video)

1.2.5 - [FEATURE] add list of stopwords configurable via typoscript constants

1.2.4 - [FEATURE] prefer curl for fetching meta data if available

1.2.3 - [FEATURE] add constant for Youtube API Key

1.2.2 - [TASK] TYPO3 CMS V9.0 compatibility, move addStaticFile to TCA Override

1.2.1 - [TASK] TYPO3 CMS V8.0 compatibility, more robust YT-thumbnail-URLs fetched from API

1.2.0 - [TASK] changed classnames to somthing less common: .youtube -> .vurpl-youtube, .vimeo -> vurpl-vimeo, .dailymotion -> .vurpl-dailymotion

1.1.0 - [TASK] enhance channel/user detection using API for vimeo and dailymotion

1.0.9 - [BUGFIX] adopt regular expressions to ignore channels etc.

1.0.8 - [BUGFIX] TYPO3 V7.5 compatibility issue

1.0.7 - [FEATURE] via constants configurable option to disable thumbnails to just use plain responsive iframes

1.0.6 - [TASK] switch to youtube API v3 (used to fetch video title used in alt tag)

1.0.5 - [BUGFIX] add “-_” to the regex to support video ids containing slashes and underscores

1.0.4 - [BUGFIX] set the backgroundsize to cover instead of 100% to avoid 1px gap in some cases

1.0.3 - adjust dailymotion breakpoint for thumbnails

1.0.2 - remove empty dependencies

1.0.1 - Add “Alt-tag” to print version image

1.0.0 - initial release