This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Use own fe_users FieldsΒΆ

The Extension is configured to use the Default Fields from the fe_users Table.
However, there are also Constants you can define on your own, to alter the Fields.
Example Case:
You have installed an Extension, that extens the fe_users Table with a Disqus Avatar Image, next to the regular fe_users Image.
You want Psc Disqus SSO, now to use your new Avatar field.
You can now alter the used Image by redefining the following Constant:
What Psc Disqus SSO does:

The Extension uses the currently active User-Session to provide Informations to Disqus. Once you set the Constant, the used Key for the fe_users Value is altered.

This means, as long as your User Data is stored in the fe_users Session, you can choose whatever Value you want, for the provided Values.

The used ID for each User is however fixed the the fe_users Uid, to prevent conflicts.

List of Available Variables:
fe_users Variable used for Username:
Default: username
fe_users Variable used for Email:
Default: email
fe_users Variable used for Website:
Default: www
fe_users Variable used for Avatar:
Default: image