This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

TypoScript Configuration

Include HybridAuth in Template

Please include the static template of HybridAuth either through an Include or through the General options.

To include the HybridAuth directly in your template setup please use the following code:
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:px_hybrid_auth/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt">
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:px_hybrid_auth/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.txt">

TypoScript values

The following values can be defined through TypoScript. This options can be overriden with the flexform values of the plugin.

TypoScript value Data type Description Default
persistence.storagePid string Define the Storage Folder with the Website User Records, use comma seperated list or single value  
persistence.recursive integer The level of recursion  
settings.redirectPageLoginError PID The page to be redirected to if an error occurs during login  
settings.showLogoutFormAfterLogin boolean Display logout button after successful login false
settings.loginPid PID The id of the login page.  
view.templateRootPaths array Used to define several paths for templates, which will be tried in reversed order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). 10 = EXT:px_hybrid_auth/Resources/Private/Templates/
view.partialRootPaths array Used to define several paths for partials, which will be tried in reversed order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). 10 = EXT:px_hybrid_auth/Resources/Private/Partials/
view.layoutRootPaths array Used to define several paths for layouts, which will be tried in reversed order (the paths are searched from bottom to top). 10 = EXT:px_hybrid_auth/Resources/Private/Layouts/


Override default buttons with bootstrap markup

Display "Sign In with ..." buttons as bootstrap social buttons like here:


  • add key to partialRootPaths array to override single partial file
  • get bootstrap-social css from cdn
  • add new partial for button (e.g. facebook button)
plugin.tx_pxhybridauth {
    view {
        partialRootPaths {
            20 = EXT:foo_bar/Resources/Private/Partials/

page.includeCSS {
    bootstrap-social = //
    bootstrap-social {
        disableCompression = 1
        excludeFromConcatenation = 1
        external = 1
        forceOnTop = 1


<a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-social btn-facebook" onclick="document.getElementById('new-login-facebook').submit(); return false;">
    <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> {f:translate(key:'sign_in_facebook')}


Because bootstrap-social does not provide styles for input submit, we just can render a link. To get the social sign in work though, we need to trigger a form submit during onclick, because we have to send all the information from hidden inputs to TYPO3 AuthenticationService.