This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


For a list of all changes, refer to our git repository on

Version: Changes:

Task: Updated imagesloaded plugin to new version which should fix problems with IE8

FIX: image size in magnific popup is now updated after content has loaded and the real maximum height is available

CHG: magnific popup lightbox content for the wookmark theme will refresh the picture also before the image has loaded

[BUGFIX] Bug #57027 EXT:yag_themepack_jquery 1.2.2 noConflict

[TASK] Updated Wookmark theme to 1.4.7 and enabled imagesLoaded again

  • Changed defaults for itemWidth and flexibleWidth to work with 1.4.7
  • imagesLoaded plugin now works better with IE8
  • Using flexibleWidth requires imagesLoaded or images won't have correct size

[CHG] Move Isotope inline code to the footer

1.2.2 [BUGFIX]: Update isotope to work with YAG 3.x lightbox
1.2.1 Revert minimum required YAG version to 3.0.0

ADD: Add the new theme Wookmark

ADD: Add the new theme Google Maps

The documentation is now converted to the rest format.


Updated rondell to 1.02

Rondell options are now contained as inline json. Using high res images for Rondell lightbox. All js which is needed for the rondell is now loaded in the page footer. Removed fancybox specific rondell css. Added json2 fallback for older browsers (required for inline json options).

1.0.1 Compatibility changes for YAG 2.4

ADD: Added theme

CHG: Updated GalleryView Source and unified theme

CHG: Updated NivoSlider to Version 3.1

Fexed Forge Bugs: #37432, #41757, #41800


CHG: Updated jQuery Rondell to Version 0.9.0.

Add: Rondell gallery Theme.

0.5.1 FIX: Bug in isotope theme. Set minimal YAG Version to 1.5.0

Add jQuery Rondell.

CHG: Updated gallery view source to newest version.

FIX: NivoSlider / GalleryView theme now supports gallery / album view

FIX: Updates Isotope theme and fixed image height.

0.4.0 Add NivoSlider Update: SuperSized to Version 3.2.5

Add NivoSlider

Update: SuperSized

0.2.0 Add: SuperSized and Isotope
0.1.0 Add crossSlide as second jQuery script.
0.0.2 Add manual
0.0.1 Initial upload to TER

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