This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

TypoScript Reference


All parameters of galleryView can be set via Typoscript. They are named like the javscript properties.

For a detailed description see: .

These are the default settings:

plugin.tx\_yag.settings.themes.galleryView {

   ## Configuration for gallery view

   transition\_interval = 0

   transition\_speed = 1000

   easing = 0

   pause\_on\_hover = false

   show\_panels = true

   panel\_width = 800

   panel\_height = 500

   panel\_animation = crossfade

   overlay\_opacity = 0.7

   overlay\_position = bottom

   panel\_scale = crop

   show\_panel\_nav = true

   show\_overlays = true

   show\_filmstrip = true

   frame\_width = 120

   frame\_height = 80

   start\_frame = 1

   filmstrip\_size = 3

   frame\_opacity = 0.5

   filmstrip\_style = scroll

   filmstrip\_position = bottom

   show\_filmstrip\_nav = true

   frame\_gap = 15

   frame\_scale = crop

   show\_captions = false

   pointer\_size = 0

   animate\_pointer = true



Configuration that affects the whole gallery.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
canvasWidth int Width of the div container holding the slideshow 600
canvasHeight int Height of the div container holding the slideshow 300
fade int Crossfade between images 1
sleep int Time in sconds to wait between the crossfades. If you aset a value for sleep, the image remain static between the crossfades. Not used


Configuration that affects a single image.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
pan.startX int Horizontal start position of the image in percent. 40
pan.stopX int Horizontal end position of the image in percent. 60
pan.startY int Vertical start position of the image in percent. 30
pan.stopY int Vertical end position of the image in percent. 50
pan.variance int For every image, starX/Y and stopX/Y is adjusted by a random value in the range of +/- variance 20
pan.alternate int Alternate the direction of the panning with each image. 1
zoom.start float Start value of the magnification. 1.0
zoom.stop float End value of the magnification. 1.3
zoom.variance float For every image the start/stop magnification is adjusted by a random value in the range of +/- variance. 0.3
alternate int Alternate the direction of the zoomwith each image. 1
time int Duration of a pan/zoom/fade period in seconds. 3


Block size weighting configures the probability in which size an image is rendered. Set the probability to zero if you do not want an image be rendered in that size.

You can define the size and dimension of each resolution name in the resolution configuration of this theme.


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
smallSquare int Small square image 40
bigSquare int Big square image 20
verticalLong int Vertical image 20
horizontalLong int Horizontal image 20


The settings are directly named after the javascript settings of the supersized plugin. Please have a look at for a full documentation.

superSizedSettings {

   // General

   slideshow = 1

   autoplay = 1

   start\_slide = 1

   stop\_loop = 0

   random = 0

   slide\_interval = 3000

   transition = 1

   transition\_speed = 1000

   new\_window = 1

   pause\_hover = 0

   keyboard\_nav = 1

   performance = 2

   image\_protect = 1

   image\_path = EXT:yag\_themepack\_jquery/Resources/Public/GallerySourc

   //Size & Position

   min\_width = 1024

   min\_height = 768

   vertical\_center = 1

   horizontal\_center = 1

   fit\_portrait = 1

   fit\_landscape = 0

   fit\_always = 0


   slide\_links = blank

   thumb\_links = 1

   navigation = 1

   thumbnail\_navigation = 0

   slide\_counter = 1

   slide\_captions = 1

   progress\_bar = 1

   mouse\_scrub = 0



The NivoSlider is a tiny imageSlider with many different slide animations and and an optional thumbnail navigation.


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
effect string One of these: sliceDown,sliceDownLeft,sliceUp,sliceUpLeft,sliceUpDown, sliceUpDownLeft,fold,fade,random,slideInRight,slideInLeft,boxRandom,bo xRain,boxRainReverse,boxRainGrow,boxRainGrowReverse random
slices int For slice animations 15
boxCols int For box animations 15
boxRows int For box animations 4
animSpeed int Slide transition speed 500
pauseTime int How long each slide will show 3000
startSlide int Set starting Slide (0 index) 0
directionNav boolean Next & Prev navigation true
directionNavHide boolean Only show on hover true
controlNav boolean 1,2,3... navigation true
controlNavThumbs boolean Use thumbnails for Control Nav false
keyboardNav boolean Use left & right arrows true
pauseOnHover boolean Stop animation while hovering true
manualAdvance boolean Force manual transitions true
captionOpacity float Universal caption opacity 0.8
randomStart boolean Start on a random slide false

jQuery Rondell

All configuration values for the frontend theme are set within the typoscript key javaScriptSettings.rondell.


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
preset string

Gallery Preset. In this version also available are:

  • carousel
  • slider
  • products
  • thumbGallery

jQuery RondellGallery

All configuration values for the frontend theme are set within the typoscript key javaScriptSettings.rondellGallery.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
preset string

Gallery Preset. In this version also available are:

  • carousel
  • slider
  • products
  • thumbGallery

The galeria script comes with its own theming system. The default theme “classic” is free of charge and included into the the extension. You can also purchase more advanced themes on their website (


Property: Data type: Description: Default:
themeBasePath string Basepath to the gallery theme directory. If you have purchased one of the more advanced themes of, upload this theme to a theme directory on your sever and point the themeBasePath to this directory. typo3conf/ext/yag_themepack_jquery/Resources/Public/GallerySource/Ga lleria/src/themes/
theme string Select a theme from the directory configured with themeBasePath Classic
width String Width of the galleria frame 800
height String Height of the galleria frame 370
jsonMode Integer If set to 1, the image data is rendered as JSON array 0


All configuration values for the frontend theme are set within the typoscript key javaScriptSettings.wookmark.

Available Options:

javaScriptSettings {
   theme = wookmark
   wookmark {
      align = center
      offset = 2
      autoResize = true
      itemWidth = 0
      flexibleWidth = 0
      resizeDelay = 50
      filterMode = or
   lightbox {
      enabled = 1
      mainClass = mfp-with-zoom mfp-fade
      zoom {
        enabled = true
        duration = 200
        easing = ease-in-out

Google Maps

All configuration values for the frontend theme are set within the typoscript key javaScriptSettings.gmaps.

Property: Data type: Description: Default:
width string The width of the map. Can be set relative or by pixel. 100%
height string The width of the map. Can be set relative or by pixel. 600
showRouteToLink Boolean   false
dropAnimation Boolean   true
cluster Booelean Cluster the images when zoomed out true
lightbox Boolean Show a lightbox when clicked on a marker true
mapOptions array Further google maps ooptions
mapOptions {
   zoom = 14
   streetViewControl = false
   mapTypeControl = false