
TYPO3 v9 has reached its end-of-life September 30th, 2021 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

You can order Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) here: TYPO3 ELTS.

Upgrade to v9.5

You should follow the general upgrade instructions.

This page gives additional information about upgrading that is specific for upgrading from 8.7 to 9.5.

You may also want to browse the 9.x Changelogs before updating. All changes listed for 9.0 to 9.5 and 9.5.x. are relevant for upgrading from 8.7 to 9.5.

Before Upgrade

Check that all requirements for Upgrading are met:

  • You must use TYPO3 8.7 or newer before you upgrade to TYPO3 9 LTS!

  • Make sure that before you upgrade to TYPO3 9.5, you have run all Upgrade Wizards in TYPO3 8.7. Upgrade wizards from before 8.7 LTS are not available anymore in 9, which makes it impossible to update from a version older than TYPO3 8.7.

  • You need PHP 7.2 at least! (see System Requirements)

During Upgrade


Make sure to not remove tables in the Database Analyzer if they are still required for the Upgrade Wizards. Examples:

  • realurl tables are required to migrate existing path information with the upgrade wizard "Introduce URL parts ("slugs") to all existing pages".

  • pages_language_overlay is required for "Migrate content from pages_language_overlay to pages" upgrade wizard.


If you get an Exception in the backend, you can go directly to the Install Tool (/typo3/install.php). Create typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL first!

Upgrade Wizards

We do not explicitly list all upgrade wizards here.

"Introduce URL parts ("slugs") to all existing pages"

For the new handling of "speaking URLs", the new field pages.slug is used and an Upgrade Wizard is available, which can transfer page paths e.g. from tx_realurl_pathcache / tx_realurl_pathdata and from the pages.alias field to said column. This will however not work for deleted pages. It should be checked if pages paths stayed the same before RealURL data gets deleted.

Running the Upgrade Wizard for migrating the Slugs from realurl may take long on large sites. You may want to do this from the command line instead of from the backend:

<cli-cmd> upgrade:run pagesSlugs

Additional Steps

Because of new site handling, languages (in sites) and speaking URLs, the following additional steps are necessary:

  1. Create a sites configuration for each site and additional language configurations for each language in the SITE MANAGEMENT > Sites module

  2. Migrate existing URLs (e.g. use Upgrade Wizard to upgrade realurl paths)

  3. Create additional configuration for URLs (e.g. Route Enhancers), see Advanced Routing Configuration (for Extensions)

More Information on New Features

Administration / Configuration:

  • Sites, languages and URL configuration are now handled in the new Sites module

  • Learn more about how TYPO3 9 now handles readable URLs out of the box so that extensions like RealURL become unnecessary.

  • TYPO3 9 has a new redirects Module (no documentation yet)

  • The old "Install Tool" has been integrated into the Backend (ADMIN TOOLS) but is still available under /typo3/install.php.

  • An admin user must be "system maintainer" as well to have access to install tool modules in the backend.

  • pages_language_overlay has been deprecated. The language information has moved to pages (e.g. pages.sys_language_overlay).

  • "Settings > Configure Installation-Wide Options" can be used to toggle usage of pages_language_overlay on or off. For new installations, it defaults to off.

Extension Development

  • The constant PATH_site is now deprecated. Instead, the new TYPO3CMSCoreCoreEnvironment::getPublicPath() . '/' should be used to get the same result, see Environment.

  • The Extension Scanner (which is found in in Upgrade > Scan Extension Files in the backend) can be used to check extensions for usages of deprecated functions. It directly links to the associated documentation with migration hints.


Extension Developers should regularly check the Changelog for Deprecations and Breaking Changes.


  • The old TypoScript condition syntax is deprecated and will be removed in TYPO3 CMS 10. The new syntax is based on the symfony expression language. It is described at Conditions "Global Configuration" setting [SYS][features][TypoScript.strictSyntax] can be used to toggle support for the old syntax on and off.

  • Amongst others, cObject FILE got deprecated and will be removed in TYPO3 10. This e.g. influences cObject TEMPLATE which now gives a deprecation message, if used with cObject FILE.