Dynamic email body

An email body can quickly become so complex that the default configuration is not enough.

The extension allows to easily customize how the rendering is done, and even manage the sections shown in the backend record, to give editors more control on the body content.

Register a custom template

By default, the basic template located at EXT:notiz/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/Default.html is used.

However, it may be needed to have more logic in the template for a given event. This can be done by creating a template file that matches the event identifier (including the event group). The identifier needs to be transformed to the “UpperCamelCase” syntax.

For instance, let’s take the example below:

notiz {
    eventGroups {
        contactEvents {
            label = Events related to contact forms

            events {
                messageSent {
                    label = Contact form sent

                    // Other stuff…

We can see the event messageSent that is inside the group contactEvents. If we want to override the template for this event, a file named ContactEvents/MessageSent.html must be created.


Remember to register the template paths of the custom extension. It can be done in the definition of the mail notification:

notiz {
    notifications {
        entityEmail {
            view {
                layoutRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Mail/
                templateRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/
                partialRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/Mail/

Write a custom template

The template below can now be created.


The following variables are accessible within the template:

  • {layout} – contains the name of the selected layout; see chapter “Layout” for more information.
  • {markers} – contains the markers of the event that renders this template; see chapter “Marker” for more information.
  • {notification} – contains the notification instance; see chapter “Notification” for more information.
  • {event} – contains the event instance; see chapter “Event” for more information.
<f:layout name="{layout}"/>

<f:section name="Title">
    Some title

<f:section name="Body">
    <p>Some body</p>

        <f:for each="{markers.messages}" as="message">
            <li>{message -> f:format.raw()}</li>
    <f:render section="Title" />

<div class="some-class">
    <f:render section="Body" />