Advanced definition handling

In some cases the definition must be manipulated using PHP. To do so, a definition component service is needed, in order to add new sources for the definition (for instance TypoScript files), or even modifying the definition object once it has been created.

1. Register a definition component service

In a custom extension ext_localconf.php file, add this piece of code:

$dispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher::class);


2. Create the definition component service

Now the actual definition component service can be written:

namespace Vendor\MyExtension\Domain\Definition\Builder\Component;

use CuyZ\Notiz\Core\Definition\Builder\Component\DefinitionComponents;
use CuyZ\Notiz\Domain\Definition\Builder\Component\Source\TypoScriptDefinitionSource;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\SingletonInterface;

class DefinitionComponentService implements SingletonInterface
     * @param DefinitionComponents $definitionComponents
    public function registerDefinitionComponents(DefinitionComponents $definitionComponents)
        if ($this->someCustomCondition()) {
            /** @var TypoScriptDefinitionSource $typoScriptSource */
            $typoScriptSource = $definitionComponents->getSource(TypoScriptDefinitionSource::class);



A priority can be given to the file for sorting purposes. The files with the highest priority will be handled first; this means that the files with the lowest priority have more chance to override definition values.

By default, a file has a priority of 0.

// The definition values from `$file2` will override the ones from `$file1`.
$typoScriptSource->addFilePath($file1, 50);
$typoScriptSource->addFilePath($file2, 10);

3. Write definition in the file

notiz {
    notifications {
         * Modifying the provided email notification settings…
        entityEmail {
            settings {
                 * These recipients will be available by default in every
                 * email notification record.
                globalRecipients {
                     10 =

    eventGroups {
         * We add a new event group for our custom events.
        my_extension {
            label = Events for My Extension

            events {
                 * Contact form is sent
                 * --------------------
                 * This event is bound to a signal sent by the contact
                 * controller. It contains data about the user who submitted
                 * the form, that will be available in the notifications
                 * markers.
                contactFormSent {
                    label = Contact form sent

                    className = MyVendor\MyExtension\Event\ContactFormSentEvent

                    connection {
                        type = signal

                        className = MyVendor\MyContactExtension\Controller\ContactController
                        name = contactFormSent