Log notification

General configuration

The title can be an arbitrary label that will be used to identify the notification in the TYPO3 backend.

A full description can also be added if needed.

Log tab general


On this tab, an event must be selected among the ones available.


Some events might have a custom configuration. For instance, the event “TYPO3 > Scheduler task was executed” allows to select which specific task will fire the event.

Log tab event


The logger that will do the actual sending must be selected.


TYPO3 comes out of the box with a basic logger, more custom implementations may be added in the future.

By default, this logger will write in a file located by default at typo3temp/logs/typo3_<hash>.log.

Log tab channel

Log configuration

On this tab, the log message and level can be configured.


The message can use markers that will be replaced by dynamic values before the log is saved. See chapter “Marker” for more information.


The log level is a PSR-3 Log Level.


It is important to note that the chosen logger might have a minimum log level that is higher than the notification log level.

In that case the notification will not be logged.

Log tab configuration