Routing enhancer

t3oodle ships routing enhancer configurations, you can include or copy to your site configuration.

To import the existing configuration, add this to the top of your site’s configuration config.yaml:

  - { resource: 'EXT:t3oodle/Configuration/Routes/Poll.yaml' }

Supported routes

The following routes are defined by t3oodle, you can define your own, if you want to:

  • List Action: / or /123 (when paginated)
  • New Action: /create or /create-schedule or /erstellen or /erstellen-terminfindung
  • Show Action: /{poll-slug}
  • Edit Action: /{poll-slug}/edit or /{poll-slug}/bearbeiten
  • Delete Action: /{poll-slug}/delete or /{poll-slug}/loeschen
  • Reset Action: /{poll-slug}/reset or /{poll-slug}/zuruecksetzen
  • Finish Action: /{poll-slug}/finish or /{poll-slug}/fertigstellen
  • Finish Suggestion Mode Action: /{poll-slug}/finish-suggestion-mode or /{poll-slug}/vorschlagen-modus-beenden
  • Add Suggestion Action: /{poll-slug}/add-suggestion or /{poll-slug}/vorschlag-erstellen

All static parts of routes are implemented by LocaleModifier aspect, to provide translations.


Caution when editing the site configuration config.yaml proper indention is required!