Release: 10.0.0 (2023/08/16)¶
2023-08-16 [BUGFIX] Do not filter out non-flux managed content types (Commit 11a7dd27f by Claus Due)
2023-08-16 [BUGFIX] Handle associative option array in ProviderProcessor (Commit 934dfd48b by Claus Due)
2023-08-15 [BUGFIX] Avoid potential warning from undefined array key (Commit 6acc20dda by Claus Due)
2023-08-14 [BUGFIX] Tolerate exceptions during unattended installations (Commit 7a5b5b67d by Claus Due)
2023-08-14 [BUGFIX] Fix issues around icon processing (Commit 700c9fcd6 by Claus Due)
2023-08-13 [REMOVAL] Remove deprecated inline form field methods replaced by overrideChildTca (Commit cf383fb24 by Claus Due)
2023-08-13 [FEATURE] Implement enum-precursor option name constants (Commit 65399439e by Claus Due)
2023-08-13 [REMOVAL] Remove Core::getRegisteredFormsForTables and Core::getRegisteredFormForTable (Commit c068901c1 by Claus Due)
2023-08-13 [REMOVAL] Get rid of FluxService (Commit 158a378c3 by Claus Due)
2023-08-12 [REMOVAL] Remove unused method FluxService::getViewConfigurationByFileReference (Commit 65b42144f by Claus Due)
2023-08-12 [REMOVAL] Remove unused method FluxService::convertFileReferenceToTemplatePathAndFilename (Commit 6b7d28064 by Claus Due)
2023-08-12 [REMOVAL] Remove provider-resolving proxy methods from FluxService (Commit 2e5818a9e by Claus Due)
2023-08-12 [REMOVAL] Remove unused method FluxService::sortObjectsByProperty (Commit c6fbce73e by Claus Due)
2023-08-12 [REMOVAL] Remove cache get/set methods from FluxService (Commit 9ebc8842e by Claus Due)
2023-08-11 [BUGFIX] Allow emulated ServerRequest to be used with TS [request…] conditions (Commit ebbf9664d by Claus Due)
2023-08-11 [BUGFIX] Return hidden content when fetching child records (Commit b4ae0bf7f by Claus Due)
2023-08-09 [BUGFIX] Handle possibly-empty, possibly-string FF data in PageProvider (Commit c6e4a82a7 by Claus Due)
2023-08-08 [BUGFIX] Register legacy WizardItems hook subscriber for DI (Commit 0f9db3018 by Claus Due)
2023-08-06 [BUGFIX] Allow flux:form.variable in any component (Commit 816140f70 by Claus Due)
2023-08-06 [FEATURE] Allow sections and section objects to be inherited (Commit 79b8aec45 by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [BUGFIX] Include page where inheritance tree stops (Commit 2df7f8a1a by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [BUGFIX] Improve behavior of content type whitelist/blacklist (Commit 1adbf625c by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [FEATURE] Improve localization of pages (Commit 29e8488b1 by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [BUGFIX] Get translated version of content record before rendering in FE (Commit fc5464f39 by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [FEATURE] Facilitate TCA overrides for dynamic Flux content types (Commit 9fc810269 by Claus Due)
2023-08-05 [BUGFIX] Implement multiple itemsProcFunc support (Commit fcc993250 by Claus Due)
2023-08-04 [BUGFIX] Implement new content wizard filter as PSR-14 event (Commit fb459365b by Claus Due)
2023-08-04 [BUGFIX] Resolve workspace version of record before Provider postProcessing (Commit d3301372b by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Use main field name when field name is not provided (Commit c59608d2b by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Use larger scope array in ColumnPositionNode (Commit 78fb100e8 by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Handle already-extracted FlexForm array in RecordBasedContentTypeDefinition (Commit 9aa5963fe by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Include template_source in generated template (Commit a9ae6e5db by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Fix record-based content type cache flushing (Commit db0fbee45 by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Cast properties if setter method parameter is strongly typed (Commit e28d23568 by Claus Due)
2023-08-02 [BUGFIX] Initialize RenderingContext TemplatePaths with default paths (Commit 2c1320ffa by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [BUGFIX] Improve inheritance behavior (Commit 93abfaf04 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [FEATURE] Support clear=1 on generic flux:field (Commit 4e56417c1 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [FEATURE] Restore “clear value” field wizard (Commit d48d6dbe9 by Christian Weiske)
2023-08-01 [FEATURE] Restore record post-processing in Providers (Commit 8cf7381c3 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [FEATURE] Restore record post-processing in Providers (Commit 7e648f3b8 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [REMOVAL] Remove deprecated preProcessRecord Provider API (Commit 65d4333a4 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [FEATURE] Allow Flux form to manipulate native TCA fields (Commit 0732c8ecc by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [REMOVAL] Remove deprecated ContentProvider (Commit b37aafbd2 by Claus Due)
2023-08-01 [REMOVAL] Remove redundant PageControllerInterface (Commit 1bea32727 by Claus Due)
2023-07-31 [BUGFIX] Correct template paths in TemplateValidationService (Commit 25037410e by Claus Due)
2023-07-30 [REMOVAL] Remove redundant SubPageProvider (Commit 8a3ec704e by Claus Due)
2023-07-30 [FEATURE] Enable PageProvider to handle main and sub use cases (Commit ba8f5b5a1 by Claus Due)
2023-07-28 [BUGFIX] Use withControllerExtensionName() instead of setControllerExtensionName() for TYPO3 v12 (#2095) (Commit d8e59b5cc by CERDAN Yohann)
2023-07-28 [BUGFIX] Guard against empty plug-and-play templates folder (Commit 2ffad37b1 by Claus Due)
2023-07-28 [BUGFIX] Sanitise Form instance sorting behaviour (Commit dccd0e592 by Claus Due)
2023-07-28 [REMOVAL] Remove function-less
setting on relation fields (Commit ee5146946 by Claus Due)2023-07-28 [BUGFIX] Do not assign empty DS or DS identifier in event (Commit 3881f99c2 by Claus Due)
2023-07-27 [BUGFIX] Make sure {settings} is assigned to template variables (Commit d070d3154 by Claus Due)
2023-07-27 [BUGFIX] Correct “is backend?” decision in RecordService (Commit c3c28931a by Claus Due)
2023-07-18 [BUGFIX] Cast “id” Form attribute to string (Commit a4c1a33ff by mrwhy-orig)
2023-07-17 [BUGFIX] Implement “is content record used” event on TYPO3v12 (Commit a3b88c4b8 by Claus Due)
2023-07-17 [BUGFIX] Implement context-agnostic ConfigurationManager override (Commit 5e4b7ce68 by Claus Due)
2023-07-15 [BUGFIX] Adapt request processing to legacy code (Commit a6ce9f3c2 by Claus Due)
2023-07-15 [FEATURE] Add file, files, filereference and filereferences form data transform types (Commit d14ca2f82 by Claus Due)
2023-07-12 [BUGFIX] Do not show deleted records in FE preview with RecordService (Commit 074217bd2 by Claus Due)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Handle v10/v11+ differences in response processing (Commit 7d63289f0 by Claus Due)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Null-coalesce potentially undefined array position (Commit 886f584e3 by Claus Due)
2021-06-03 [FEATURE] Add support for field description properties. (Commit ab860cc83 by Paula Schwalm)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Support special $_EXTKEY variable when reading page layout labels (Commit 900415e7b by Florian Rival)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Support array or string for displayCondition (#2081) (Commit 9f869f10a by Frank Rakow)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Avoid access to potentially undefined array position (Commit 412c2674b by Claus Due)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Null-coalesce potentially undefined array position (Commit 3cd5b8980 by Claus Due)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Consider possible frontend.preview aspect (Commit 1be9ce84d by Claus Due)
2023-07-10 [BUGFIX] Restore nested grid toggle icon (Commit 82c363b74 by Claus Due)
2023-07-09 [REMOVAL] Remove deprecated and non-functional wizards feature (Commit 3d6914ee4 by Claus Due)
2023-07-09 [REMOVAL] Remove deprecated AbstractPageController (Commit d5b6004d2 by Claus Due)
2023-07-09 [REMOVAL] Remove outlet feature (Commit 3f56f32e9 by Claus Due)
2023-07-03 [BUGFIX] Avoid PHP8-only constructor strategy and union týpes (Commit a4dbe4f20 by Claus Due)
2023-07-03 [BUGFIX] Avoid PHP8-only features (Commit 9e267ce44 by Claus Due)
2023-07-03 [BUGFIX] Create special boot-time TemplatePaths which avoids ConfigurationManager (Commit 0be6c6249 by Claus Due)
2023-07-03 [BUGFIX] Wrap TCA option output in version-aware helper class (Commit baa1ad6ad by Claus Due)
2023-06-01 [BUGFIX] Tolerate record without pid (#2087) (Commit b6cc61c84 by Paul Kamma)
2023-06-01 [BUGFIX] Check if initializeObject method exists before calling (Commit db409090a by Claus Due)
2023-04-18 [BUGFIX] Restore TCEforms wrapper patching (Commit 983e5c4c1 by Claus Due)
2023-04-10 [BUGFIX] Read FF data from current field if passed (Commit b81bc44ad by Claus Due)
2023-04-10 [BUGFIX] Preserve custom showitem but ensure presence of pi_flexform field (Commit 028a10edb by Claus Due)
2023-04-07 [BUGFIX] Do not deliver DS for CType with existing DS definition (Commit dbeb25533 by Claus Due)
2023-04-07 [BUGFIX] Do not naively override existing TCA showitem (Commit c47bec2ad by Claus Due)
2023-04-07 [BUGFIX] Ensure CType is registered in CType selection field (Commit ba709c642 by Claus Due)
2023-04-07 [BUGFIX] Add field name to key of extracted variables (Commit c205408e5 by Claus Due)
2023-03-27 [BUGFIX] Avoid registering content types as plugin types (Commit 783c59f73 by Claus Due)
2023-03-23 [BUGFIX] Use TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE if it is defined (Commit 572d97652 by Claus Due)
2023-03-17 [BUGFIX] Do not attempt to call non-existing setter methods (Commit a2df15d90 by Claus Due)
2023-03-14 [BUGFIX] Fix version matching in CompatibilityRegistry (Commit 96f06220f by Claus Due)
2023-03-14 [FEATURE] Pass field name and Form instance to custom transform methods (Commit 69813cbf1 by Claus Due)
2023-03-06 [FEATURE] Allow single provider to handle multiple fields/forms (Commit 7ecd184e7 by Claus Due)
2023-03-03 [BUGFIX] Avoid duplicate event identifier (Commit 4f5fe8fc9 by Claus Due)
2023-02-28 [FEATURE] Add support for overriding core CTypes (Commit 571712a44 by Claus Due)
2023-02-27 [BUGFIX] Correctly handle custom CType without underscore in type (Commit 68c705ed1 by Claus Due)
2023-02-17 [BUGFIX] Fix laxity in content record trigger matching (Commit 9bbc5eeb3 by Claus Due)
2023-02-17 [REMOVAL] Remove two unused methods (Commit ba07c1743 by Claus Due)
2023-02-06 [BUGFIX] Cast possibly-string value to int (Commit c18fb9a5c by Claus Due)
2023-01-06 [FEATURE] Add support for v12 (Commit 3c944b576 by Claus Due)
2022-12-06 [BUGFIX] Reenable right order of page configuration inheritance (#2044) (Commit 79dce7ff2 by SadikAtMNM)
Generated by:
git log --since="2022/11/28" --until="2023/08/16" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
--date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`
Full list of changes:…10.0.0
Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!