Release: 5.1.0 (2013/01/14)

  • 2013-01-13 [FEATURE] Support NULL arrays when resolving ConfigurationProviders (Commit 3a3cfa7 by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-13 [FEATURE] New method “clearCacheCommand” for all ConfigurationProvider types (Commit 2fdfdfc by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-13 [FEATURE] Memorise collapsed state per content element (Commit be2dcef by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-13 [FEATURE] IsCollapsed Condition ViewHelper (Commit 7030509 by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-11 [BUGFIX] Drag and drop after elements inside same parent element (Commit b8eff6b by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-11 [BUGFIX] Nesting issue with divs was not solved in 6.0 after all… (Commit fa6bc8b by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-11 [FEATURE] Collapsing display of child content elements (Commit e0c1b02 by Claus Due)

  • 2013-01-09 [BUGFIX] After saving FCE, nested content had invalid tx_flux_column (Commit 8925c79 by Claus Due)

Generated by:

git log --since="2013/01/09" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
    --date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`

Full list of changes:…5.1.0

Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!