
Section object - automatic colPos field

Provides a field to designate the "colPos" value of a section object, which is automatically maintained and guaranteed uniqueness when editing the backend form. Adding this field inside <flux:field.object /> renders a field that's not user editable which contains a unique colPos value for each section object.

The colPos field is then associated with the section object _and will not change even if the section object is moved up or down in the section_.

This property can then be used in <flux:grid.column /> arguments if the grid columns are created by iterating the section objects and creating a column for each.


<flux:form id="sectionobjectasgrid" options="{static: 1}" extensionName="FluidTYPO3.TestProviderExtension">
<flux:form.sheet name="options">
<flux:form.section name="columns">
<flux:form.object name="column" label="Column">

<flux:form.object.columnPosition />




</flux:form> <flux:grid>

<f:for each="{columns}" as="columnObject">

<flux:grid.column colPos="{columnObject.column.colPos}" />





Please be aware that dynamic grid is NOT compatible with the "static" option for <flux:form /> - this option must not be enabled; if it is, the grid will not be rendered.


This ViewHelper has no arguments.