Release: 7.2.2 (2015/09/20)¶
Solid round of bug fixes mainly, few added minor (and fully backwards compatible) features and focus on fixes for drag-and-drop and copy-paste behavior on TYPO3 6.2. Some minor fixes for workspaces support.
Notable changes/features:
Template paths now use
as default index instead of previous10
. This can have an adverse effect on sites that for some reason has one or more sets of templates which: a) are configured by replacing the default10
index, AND, b) have removed one or more templates that exist in the original path. Such a setup may begin to display previously disabled template files as selectable options in the backend. To fix this, update your TypoScript template paths to use0
as the bottom priority paths.Icons now support SVG files. Not much to say about this one - use an
file as icon for a template, either through theicon
Form option or by placing it in the convention-based expected icon path.Form now supports
as a global option that can be used by any implementation; previouslyfluidcontent
added its own but can now delegate this to Flux. This means that from now on you should defineoptions="{sorting: 10}"
instead of wrapping the sorting value in a scope like{Fluidcontent: {sorting: 10}}
.When rendering Requests and when retrieving Form instances from templates, Flux will now respect the
request parameter - and will in fact pass-through the original Request (as a cloned instance) whenever an original Request exists. Though this change doesn’t have any effect on the surface, it does improve frontend rendering scope consistency when rendering through a custom Flux controller.TYPO3 7.4 is now supported.
2015-09-17 [BUGFIX] Record moving not triggered on TYPO3 7.5-dev (Commit 73eac6a by Claus Due)
2015-09-17 [FEATURE] Missing emptyOption argument for (Commit 1f395ed by monosize)
2015-09-17 [BUGFIX] Wrong generating of emptyOption item (Commit 22cccee by monosize)
2015-09-10 [BUGFIX] Hide child elements in list module to avoid destructive sortings (Commit c0864b4 by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-09-08 [FEATURE] Added localization buttons for flux container elements in list view (Commit 7c67a55 by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-09-08 [BUGFIX] Show hidden elements in db list if checkbox is enabled (Commit 737c4a9 by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-09-17 [BUGFIX] Correct bad method signature and check caused by it (Commit 00e5824 by Claus Due)
2015-09-13 [FEATURE] Allow matchFields through ViewHelper API (Commit e4672a4 by Claus Due)
2015-09-13 [FEATURE] Allow matchFields on Relation components with MM (Commit 2437d01 by Claus Due)
2015-09-07 [BUGFIX] Only show one Icon for Flux-CEs in List-View if they don’t have an own icon. (Commit ecc9fc7 by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-09-12 Merge pull request #920 from cedricziel/BUGFIX-template-for-custom-provider-not-found (Commit c64eff5 by Claus Due)
2015-09-12 [BUGFIX] Template resolution for custom providers (Commit e850702 by Cedric Ziel)
2015-09-11 [BUGFIX] Avoid extension path resolving if extension not loaded (Commit cc1cc29 by Claus Due)
2015-09-11 [BUGFIX] Warning while copying a page (Commit 088bcce by monosize)
2015-09-10 [FEATURE] Transparent Request passthrough as clone (Commit c3d4939 by Claus Due)
2015-09-10 [BUGFIX] Allow vendor in Request to pass to custom Flux controllers (Commit 4b728c1 by Claus Due)
2015-09-04 [BUGFIX] Adapt to unannounced API change in TYPO3 (Commit 5b4bf94 by Claus Due)
2015-08-15 [BUGFIX] Recognise negative relative UID in ConfigurationManager (Commit b920849 by Claus Due)
2015-08-12 [BUGFIX] In web layout module the checkbox “Show hidden content elements” has no effect for flux grid columns. (Commit d287a5b by Frank Rakow)
2015-05-19 [BUGFIX] Workspace fix for editing of child elements (Commit 123d011 by thomasc-clio)
2015-08-04 [BUGFIX] Issue #573: move record up to top position (Commit bd4b46e by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-08-07 [BUGFIX] Fix another instance of isset() to array_key_exists (Commit d35827c by Claus Due)
2015-08-07 [BUGFIX] Change isset() check falsely matching NULL (Commit 1c544f7 by Claus Due)
2015-08-04 [BUGFIX] Fix tx_flux_parent always equal to 1 when is translated (Commit e8f6835 by jmverges)
2015-08-04 [BUGFIX] Move record up to top position (Commit 7b12829 by Alexander Bohndorf)
2015-08-05 [BUGFIX] Avoid file_get_contents Exception (Commit 0351744 by jmverges)
2015-07-28 [BUGFIX] Fix relation problems with Save and New button (Commit e20471f by jmverges)
2015-07-28 [BUGFIX] Ensure ContentProvider triggers on every tt_content record (Commit bbe0a21 by Claus Due)
2015-07-28 [FEATURE] Adds createIcon function into MiscellaneousUtility (Commit 76751fa by jmverges)
2015-07-27 [BUGFIX] Added inheritance arguments (Commit 8028910 by jmverges)
2015-07-26 [BUGFIX] Disallow pasting element inside it self (endless loop) (Commit 3772556 by Xaver Maierhofer)
2015-07-26 [BUGFIX] Fix broken grid in preview (Commit 2ac737a by Xaver Maierhofer)
2015-07-24 [BUGFIX] Fix for icons in list view (Commit 3ee1bd8 by Juan Manuel Verges Solanas)
2015-07-24 [BUGFIX] Fix for icons in Preview for 6.2 LTS and master (Commit 3d7f480 by Juan Manuel Verges Solanas)
2015-07-24 [BUGFIX] Change from 10 to 0 for root paths (Commit 707e0c1 by Juan Manuel Verges Solanas)
2015-07-22 [BUGFIX] Fix drag and drop issues for current and 6.2 LTS (Commit 5ca6833 by Juan Manuel Verges Solanas)
2015-06-16 [BUGFIX] Return empty string instead of NULL (Commit c0a970f by Björn Fromme)
2015-06-11 [BUGFIX] Create new Sections off current container, not parent Form (Commit 824b1ea by Claus Due)
2015-06-03 [BUGFIX] Only attempt to render Preview section if template file exists (Commit 7d0993e by Claus Due)
Generated by:
git log --since="2015/05/19" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
--date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`
Full list of changes:…7.2.2
Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!