
Target group: Administrators

Surely you want to execute the commands regularly. Simply set up cron jobs that will execute the commands regularly, for example, once an hour or once a day, depending on your needs.

Starting instances

If you rely on the form finisher or use the transfer table directly to start instances in JobRouter® installations, you have to use the start command in the project directory for a Composer-based installation

vendor/bin/typo3 jobrouter:process:start

In a legacy installation execute

php public/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 jobrouter:process:start

In general you should receive a successful answer:

[OK] 18 incident(s) started successfully

If an error occurs, the command issues a warning:

[WARNING] 4 out of 11 incident(s) had errors on start

Other process starts are not affected by an error in one start. According to your logging configuration, the error is also logged.

The last run of the command is displayed in the system information toolbar (Last Instance Start):

System information with last run of the start command

System information with last run of the start command

Clean up transfers

After successfully starting instances from the transfer table, these transfers are marked as successful. They may contain sensitive data and should be deleted regularly. A command is available for this task. Enter in the project directory for a Composer-based installation:

vendor/bin/typo3 jobrouter:process:cleanuptransfers

In a legacy installation execute:

php public/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 jobrouter:process:cleanuptransfers

In general you should receive a successful answer:

[OK] 42 successful transfers older than 30 days deleted

By default, successful transfer records that are older than 30 days are deleted. You can adjust this value by adding an argument to the command:

vendor/bin/typo3 jobrouter:process:cleanuptransfers 7

Now successful transfer records that are older than seven days are deleted. If you use 0 as argument, all successful transfers are deleted.