
Target group: Administrators

Extension configuration

To configure the extension, go to Admin Tools > Settings > Extension Configuration and click on the Configure extensions button. Open the jobrouter_process configuration:

Options in the extension configuration

Options in the extension configuration


Encrypt transfer data

If activated, the fields processtable and summary are encrypted for enhanced security in the transfer table when using the Preparer class or the JobRouterStartInstance form finisher.

Dashboard widget configuration

Instance starts

The number of instance starts by days can be visualised by the widget Instance Starts. By default, 14 days are shown. This can be overridden in the Configuration/Services.yaml of your site package extension (or any other dependent extension):

   jobrouter_process.widget.transfersPerDay.numberOfDays: 14

Instance start types

The instance starts of the last 14 days (including the current day) are taken into account for the Instance Start Types widget. This can be overridden in the Configuration/Services.yaml of your site package extension (or any other dependent extension):

   jobrouter_process.widget.typeOfInstanceStarts.numberOfDays: 14

As already mentioned, the current day is also considered. So if you use 1 for the number of days, the widget will only show instance starts from today.


If logging is necessary to track process instance starts and possible warnings or errors, you can set up log writers depending on your needs.

Example: To log all warnings and higher levels of this extension into a file, add this snippet to the ext_localconf.php file of your site package extension:

use Psr\Log\Level;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Writer\FileWriter;

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['JobRouter']['AddOn']['Typo3Process']['writerConfiguration'][Level::WARNING] = [
   FileWriter::class => [
      'logFileInfix' => 'jobrouter_process'

The messages are then written to the var/log/typo3_jobrouter_process_<hash>.log file.