
Declaration of Innocence

All endpoints of the Service BW API are in German. Every method, every property, every explanation, every thing is in German. We have tried our best, but as we have a request class for each API endpoint, we had trouble finding the right request class for the German API endpoint. That's why we have adapted the German API endpoint to our request classes. That's why you will find German PHP classes in our extension. We are not happy with this situation, but it does reduces our support and simplifies the extensibility of service_bw2 a lot.

Service BW API

Service BW REST API comes with two API versions: V1 and V2.

V1 contains a note, that you should use V2, if possible. V2 contains a note, that it is still in active development.

Currently, service_bw2 uses the Service BW REST API in version 2.

Here are the official links to the API documentation:

If you're interested you can authorize there and test the API endpoints.