Extension Settings

After the installation you need to configure the extension settings. Login to TYPO3 backend as an administrator or system maintainer and chose Settings from the left main menu. Click Configure Extensions from the first panel and chose service_bw2 from the extension list.

Open Extension Settings
Locate Extension Settings for service_bw2

Tab: Basic

Username for Service BW API

Default: <empty>

The username provided by Service BW for API usage. (Mostly starts with ws_)

Password for Service BW API

Default: <empty>

The password provided by Service BW for API usage.


Default: <empty>

The mandant number of the city.

Base URL

Default: https://sgw.service-bw.de:443/

The URL where we can access the API of Service BW. In most cases there is no need to change that value.

It's just [scheme:domain:port]. Do not enter a path to a specific API version, as service_bw2 does that for you automatically in ServiceBwClient class. service_bw2 will use the API V2 endpoint internally.

Allowed languages

Default: de=0;en=0;fr=0

This is important if your website is multi language.

Format: [2 letters language ISO code]=[sys_language_uid].

Assign multiple languages with ";".

Example: de=2;en=5.

First value will be used as default language.


Default: <empty>

German description of Service BW API:

Optional parameter for API requests. Leave empty to not use this filter option.

Gebiet ID

Default: <empty>

German description of Service BW API:

Optional parameter for API requests. Leave empty to not use this filter option.