Version 5.0.1 - 2023/05/26¶
This release is a new major release. It introduces support for TYPO3 11 LTS as well as for PHP 8.1. TYPO3 9 LTS is not supported anymore.
Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.
Pagination in backend module
Add skipConfiguration im backend
Replace author
Upgrade PHP-JWT to V6.4
Amazon wish list
All Changes¶
This is a list of all changes in this release:
2023-05-26 [TASK] Update authors and funding links. (#155) (Commit 449a779 by Sebastian Afeldt)
2023-03-17 [TASK] Update firebase/jwt library from ^5.0 to ^6.0 (#149) (Commit 146b7e7 by Niklas Grieger)
2023-03-16 bugfix/TERROAD-74 (#150) (Commit e82f3ca by Sebastian Afeldt)
2023-03-08 [BUGFIX] Fix "Create a Secure Downloads File Storage" extension configuration functionality (#147) (Commit 6426fab by Niklas Grieger)
2023-03-08 bugfix/TERROAD-74 (#146) (Commit bd0935b by Niklas Grieger)
2023-01-12 [REGRESSION] backend.skipConfiguration doesn't skip new check (#143) (Commit c04c52f by J. Peter M. Schuler)
2022-12-15 [TASK] some rector updates (Commit 68c6782 by Marcus Balasch)
Following people have contributed to this release:
Peter M. Schuler
Marcus Balasch
Niklas Grieger
Sebastian Afeldt
Thank you very much for your support. The next drink is on us! 🍻