Version 5.0.2 - 2023/06/30¶
Bugfix and maintenance release
Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.
Some branches cleanups
Bugfix JWT::decode method signature
All Changes¶
This is a list of all changes in this release:
2023-06-30 Merge branch 'master' into release-5.x (Commit db25b11 by Marcus Balasch)
2023-06-29 [BUGFIX] PHP 7.4 compatibility for test. TER-118 TER-120 (#168) (Commit f23876c by Sebastian Afeldt)
2023-06-27 [BUGFIX] JWT::decode method signature not respected (#163) (Commit d287211 by J. Peter M. Schuler)
2023-05-26 Featue/newrelease 5.0.1 (#160) (Commit 8e0e340 by Marcus Balasch)
2023-05-26 Release 5.0.1 (#156) (Commit 3aebabc by Marcus Balasch)
2023-05-08 [RELEASE] Release of version 5.0.0 (#153) (Commit 312766c by bitmotionAE)
Following people have contributed to this release:
Peter M. Schuler
Marcus Balasch
Niklas Grieger
Sebastian Afeldt
Thank you very much for your support. The next drink is on us! 🍻