Version 5.0.3 - 2023/10/27¶
Bugfix and maintenance release
Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.
Add: Extend documentation for extension configuration
Bugfix: Files from secure_downloads file storage are no longer delivered via dumpFile eID
Bugfix: If securedDirs in extension configuration is empty, no folders instead of all folders are considered to be secure
Bugfix: Secured icons from files do not break list view anymore if editor has no access to parent folder
Bugfix: Consider global SSL setting set by TYPO3
All Changes¶
This is a list of all changes in this release:
2023-10-27 Bugfix/ter 144 (#187) (Commit d3394f5 by Niklas Grieger)
2023-10-12 [BUGFIX] Filter global SSL setting to boolean first [TER-133] [TER-142] (#180) (Commit 111a95f by Niklas Grieger)
2023-10-11 [BUGFIX] Fix list module if icons from files in secured directories are displayed and the editor has no access to the parent folder [TER-139] [TER-140] (#181) (Commit 43a31c1 by Niklas Grieger)
2023-10-06 Merge pull request #177 from Leuchtfeuer/bugfix/TER-124 (Commit 59d4f4f by Marcus Balasch)
2023-10-06 [BUGFIX] Considers the SSL setting of the global setting (Commit 29a836a by Marcus Balasch)
Following people have contributed to this release:
Marcus Balasch
Niklas Grieger
Thank you very much for your support. The next drink is on us! 🍻