

Methods, for reading and writing to the Typo3 cache. Uses Typo3’s caching framework, see EXT:nnhelpers/ext_localconf.php for details

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Cache()->get($identifier = '', $useRamCache = false);

Lädt contents of the Typo3 cache using an identifier. The identifier is an arbitrary string or array that uniquely identifies the cache.

\nn\t3::Cache()->get(['pid'=>1, 'uid'=>'7']);
\nn\t3::Cache()->get(['func'=>__METHOD__, 'uid'=>'17']);
@param mixed $identifier String or array to identify the cache.
@param mixed $useRamCache temporärer cache in $GLOBALS instead of caching framework
@return mixed

\nn\t3::Cache()->set($identifier = '', $data = NULL, $useRamCache = false);

Writes an entry into the Typo3 cache. The identifier is an arbitrary string or array that uniquely identifies the cache.

// Classic application in the controller: get and set cache.
if ($cache = \nn\t3::Cache()->get('myid')) return $cache;
$cache = $this->view->render();
return \nn\t3::Cache()->set('myid', $cache);
// Use RAM cache? Set TRUE as the third parameter
\nn\t3::Cache()->set('myid', $dataToCache, true);

// set duration of cache to 60 minutes
\nn\t3::Cache()->set('myid', $dataToCache, 3600);

// You can also specify an array as key
\nn\t3::Cache()->set(['pid'=>1, 'uid'=>'7'], $html);
@param mixed $indentifier String or array to identify the cache.
@param mixed $data Data to be written to the cache. (string or array)
@param mixed $useRamCache true: temporärer cache in $GLOBALS instead of caching framework.
integer: how many seconds cache?
@return mixed


\nn\t3::Cache()->getIdentifier($identifier = NULL);

Converts üpassed cache identifier to usable string. Can also handle an array as an identifier.

@param mixed $indentifier
@return string

\nn\t3::Cache()->clearPageCache($pid = NULL);

clears the page cache. Alias to \nn\t3::Page()->clearCache()

\nn\t3::Cache()->clearPageCache( 17 ); // clear page cache for pid=17.
\nn\t3::Cache()->clearPageCache(); // clear cache of ALL pages
@param mixed $pid pid of the page whose cache should be cleared, or leave empty for all pages
@return void


Löclears the cache set by \nn\t3::Cache()->set()

@return void