

All about the pages table.

Overview of Methods

\nn\t3::Page()->get($uid = NULL);

Get data of a page (from table “pages”)

\nn\t3::Page()->get( $uid );
@return array

\nn\t3::Page()->getData($pids = NULL);

Get data of a page (table pages).

// data of the current page.

// get data of the page with pid = 123
\nn\t3::Page()->getData( 123 );

// get data of the pages with pids = 123 and 456. Key of the array = pid
\nn\t3::Page()->getData( [123, 456] );
@return array

\nn\t3::Page()->getField($key, $slide = false, $override = '');

Get single field from page-data. The value can be inherited from üparent pages via slide = true.

(!) Important: Custom fields must be defined as rootLine in ext_localconf.php! See also \nn\t3::Registry()->rootLineFields(['key', '...']);

\nn\t3::Page()->getField('backend_layout_next_level', true, 'backend_layout');

Exisits also as ViewHelper:

{'media', slide:1)}
{'backend_layout_next_level', slide:1, override:'backend_layout')}
@return mixed

\nn\t3::Page()->getPid($fallback = NULL);

Get the current page’s PID. In the frontend: the current TSFE->id In the backend: the page that was selected in the page tree. Without context: the pid of the site root

\nn\t3::Page()->getPid( $fallbackPid );
@return int

\nn\t3::Page()->getChildPids($parentPid = [], $recursive = 999);

Get list of child uids of one or more pages.

\nn\t3::Page()->getChildPids( 123, 1 );
\nn\t3::Page()->getChildPids( [123, 124], 99 );
@return array

\nn\t3::Page()->getSiteRoot($returnAll = false);

Get the PID of the site root(s). Corresponds to the page in the backend that has the “globe” as an icon. (in the page properties “use as start of web page”)

@return int


Get PID from request string, e.g. in backend modules. Hacky. ToDo: check if there is a better method.

@return int

\nn\t3::Page()->getRootline($pid = NULL);

GetRootline for given PID

@return array

\nn\t3::Page()->getSubpages($pid = NULL, $includeHidden = false);

Get menü for given PID

\nn\t3::Page()->getSubpages( $pid );
\nn\t3::Page()->getSubpages( $pid, true ); // Also fetch hidden pages
@return array

\nn\t3::Page()->hasSubpages($pid = NULL);

Checks whether a page has submenus

@return boolean

\nn\t3::Page()->setTitle($title = '');

Change PageTitle (<title>tag). Does not work if EXT:advancedtitle is enabled!


Also available as ViewHelper:

@return void


Get current page title (without suffix)

@return string



@return PageRenderer

\nn\t3::Page()->addHeaderData($html = '');

Sneak HTML code into <head>. See \nn\t3::Page()->addHeader() for simpler version.

\nn\t3::Page()->addHeaderData( '<script src="..."></script>' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addFooterData($html = '');

Insert HTML code before end of <body>. See \nn\t3::Page()->addFooter() for simpler version.

\nn\t3::Page()->addFooterData( '<script src="..."></script>' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsLibrary($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

Insert JS library into <head>

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsLibrary( 'path/to/file.js' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFooterLibrary($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

Insert JS library at the end of <body>

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFooterLibrary( 'path/to/file.js' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFile($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

Sneak JS file into <head>. See \nn\t3::Page()->addHeader() for simpler version.

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFile( 'path/to/file.js' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFooterFile($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

Insert JS file at the end of the <body>. See \nn\t3::Page()->addJsFooterFile() for simpler version.

\nn\t3::Page()->addJsFooterFile( 'path/to/file.js' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addCssLibrary($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

insert CSS library into <head>

\nn\t3::Page()->addCssLibrary( 'path/to/style.css' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addCssFile($path, $compress = false, $atTop = false, $wrap = false, $concat = false);

Insert CSS file into <head>. See \nn\t3::Page()->addHeader() for simpler version.

\nn\t3::Page()->addCss( 'path/to/style.css' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addFooter($str = '');

Append CSS or JS or HTML code to footer. Decide for yourself which method of PageRender to use.

\nn\t3::Page()->addFooter( 'fileadmin/style.css' );
\nn\t3::Page()->addFooter( ['fileadmin/style.css', 'js/script.js'] );
\nn\t3::Page()->addFooter( 'js/script.js' );
\nn\t3::Page()->addFooter( '<script>....</script>' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->addHeader($str = '');

Append CSS or JS or HTML code to footer. Decide for yourself which method of PageRender to use.

\nn\t3::Page()->addHeader( 'fileadmin/style.css' );
\nn\t3::Page()->addHeader( ['fileadmin/style.css', 'js/script.js'] );
\nn\t3::Page()->addHeader( 'js/script.js' );
\nn\t3::Page()->addHeader( '<script>....</script>' );
@return void

\nn\t3::Page()->clearCache($pid = NULL);

Clear page cache of one (or more) pages

\nn\t3::Page()->clearCache( $pid );
\nn\t3::Page()->clearCache( [1,2,3] );
@return void