Seiten zum Frontend hinzufügen¶
Wenn Ihre Site kein Online-Anmeldungen für Veranstaltungen benutzen soll, müssen Sie dieses Feature explizit ausschalten.
Ihre Seitenbaum sieht dann so aus:
Illustration 10: Seitenstruktur für eine Installation ohne Online-Anmeldung
Usually, you’ll want to use this extension with the online registration feature. For this, the minimal page structure will look like this (note that you still need to set a sr_feuser_register if you want user self-registration):
Illustration 11: Seitenstruktur für eine minimale Installation mit Online-Anmeldung
For a full-blown registration with several list views, two archive pages, the “my events page” (where a user can see the events to which they have signed up), registrations lists for participants and editors and front-end editing, the page structure would look like this (usually, you only need some of these pages):
Illustration 12: Seitenstruktur einer vollständigen Installation
- If you want users to be able register manually, then build up a front- end user system for your site. Remember which group corresponds to “confirmed front-end users”.If you wish to utilize the additional fields for the table front-end users, you’ll need to set up sr_feuser_register for this. In that extension’s documentation, you’ll find a tutorial about how to add fields to the registration form.In static/tx_srfeuserregister_pi1_tmpl.tmpl, there is a modified template where all new seminar fields for registration are included. The fields to the INVITE and PREVIEW sections have not been added in the template yet.
- Add a page (which we called “ *Events (list view)* ” in the illustrations) that will contain the list view.
- Add a page (“ *Details (not in menu)* ”) that will contain the detail view.
- Add a “Seminar Manager”-plug-in content element to both these pages (from step 2 and 3) and set the corresponding types to “Event List”/”Event single view”. Set the content element’s ”Starting Point” to the SysFolder that contains (or will contain) the seminar records (what we called “ *Event Data* ” in Illustrations 1-4). The element on “ *Events (list view)* ” will show the seminar list and the detailed seminar view will be shown on “ *Details (not in menu)”* . Usually, this content element doesn’t have any access restrictions.If you would like to show only the seminars from certain organizers, put the seminar records for the organizers on separate pages, and add only the corresponding pages as starting pages for the plug-in.
- Add a page (which we called “ *Registration (not in menu)* ” in the illustrations) that will be the registration page. Important: The Seminar Manager creates links to this page (for example from the list- and detailed view and as a redirect parameter after login) – this will fail if this page is access restricted. Don’t hide this page and don’t apply user restrictions to the page itself! A good way is to mark the page as “hide in menu”, but the page must be accessible for all visitors, independent of their login status (logged in or not). You can define restrictions on whether a user may see content elements on this page for each content element. Do it as described in the next steps.
- To the registration page, add a text content element. Set the content element access to “hide at login”. Write something like this into the element and set the link to the front-end user login page:“Please <link login-page>log in first</link> before registering for a seminar.”If you like, you can also add a link to the front-end user registration page (to spare the user one click).
- Add a second “Seminarmanager”-plug-in content element. Set the type to “Event Registration”. Set the content element’s start pages to the page or pages that contain (or will contain) the seminar records. Set the access to confirmed_users_group .
- Add another page that will be shown after a user has registered for an event. Put some thank-you message on the page. If you would like the single view for the event for which the user has just registered to display on this page, you can also add a Seminar Manager plug-in with the type “event list”. Set this page to “hide in the menu”.
- Add another page that will contain the “my events” list (if you want to use that feature). Set the page access to “show at any login”.
- Add a “Seminarmanager”-plug-in content element to that page and set the type to “My Events”. Set the content element’s start pages to the page or pages that contain (or will contain) the seminar records. This element then works like the “Event List” content type, but it will only show those events to which the currently logged-in front-end user has signed up. If you want this list to show all events instead of current and upcoming, set “Only show events from this time-frame” to “all events” (you’ll probably want to do this).
- [optional] To show the countdown in the front-end, simply add a “Seminarmanager”-plug-in content element at the page/column where you want it to be shown. In the settings of this content element, just select “Countdown to the next event” from the “what to show” dropdown list.