Set up the plug-in¶
First, include the *MKFORMS - Basics (mkforms)* template in your site template under “Include static (from extensions).”
Below that, include the *Seminars* static template. It is important that you include this template below the MKFORMS template.
If your site does not use jQuery by default, also include the following static template:
MKFORMS JQuery-JS (mkforms)
Then configure the plug-in in your TS template setup or the plug-in flexforms. The properties are listed in the reference.
Please note than when using flexforms, you need to set the corresponding values at all relevant instances of the plug-in: It doesn’t do to specify the fields for the online registration in the seminar list front-end plug-in—you need to set these fields in the online registration front-end plug-in.
You can use this TypoScript setup template for setting all required values for a basic setup:
plugin.tx_seminars {
# PID of the sysfolder where event registrations (attendances) will be stored
attendancesPID =
# localizations for strings in e-mails and some FE parts go here (the example is for German) {
plugin.tx_seminars_pi1 {
# PID of the sysfolder that contains all the event records (e.g., the starting point)
pages =
# PID of the FE page that contains the event list
listPID =
# PID of the FE page that contains the single view
detailPID =
# PID of the FE page that contains the "my events" list
myEventsPID =
# PID of the FE page that contains the seminar registration plug-in
registerPID =
# PID of the FE page that contains the login form or onetimeaccount
loginPID =
# PID of the thank-you page that will be displayed after a FE user has registered for an event
thankYouAfterRegistrationPID =
# PID of the page that will be displayed after a FE user has unregistered from an event
pageToShowAfterUnregistrationPID =
# localizations for FE-only parts go here (the example is for German) {
# here you can change stuff like the number of items per page etc.
plugin.tx_seminars_pi1.listView {
Note that the notification e-mail to the organizer and the list view show the headings even for empty fields, while the single view and the notification e-mail to the participant remove the headings for some seminar properties (not all, just where it makes sense).