Entering seminars and related records¶
You must set one organizer for each seminar. In addition, you can set one or more speakers and one or more seminar sites (real places this time) for a seminar. If you want to enter a seminar with an organizer, speakers or seminar sites that haven’t been entered into the database yet, it’s a good idea to enter those first before entering the seminar.
Entering and managing organizers¶
At the beginning, you should enter some basic records. Usually, the users who organize and manage the seminars don’t need to alter these records any more, so it would be a good idea to store them in a system folder which most back-end users cannot write to.
Add one or more organizer records to the page that will hold the organizer records.
An organizer record will hold the basic information about the person (or the team) who organizes a seminar. Note that the organizer doesn’t need to be the same as the speaker (and usually isn’t the same). Instead, the organizer is the person who reserves the seminar site, collects the fee, manages the registrations and so on.
An organizer record contains the following fields:
- name (required), will be shown on the front end
- homepage URL including the http://, will be shown on the front end
- e-mail address (required, must be valid), notifications of new registrations will be sent to this address, this address will be used as From: address for the confirmation e-mails when someone registers for a workshop, will not be shown on the front end
- footer text that will be put at the end of all e-mails sent by this organizer
- a sys folder where registration records for events should be stored for which this organizer is listed first (leave this empty to use the default folder set via TS setup)
If you intend to manage payments and you would like to records which method of payment has been used, you can enter records for those. They include the following fields:
- title (required)
- detailed description (will be included in the confirmation e-mail on registration)
Entering and managing speakers¶
On the system folder that should contain the speaker records, you can create speaker records.
The following fields are public and will be displayed on the front end:
- name (required)
- the speaker’s organization or company
- homepage URL, including the http://
- description (you can use HTML in this field)
The following fields are for your internal purposes only and don’t get displayed on the front end:
- internal notes
- address
- private phone number
- work phone number
- mobile phone number
- fax number
- e-mail address
Speakers can be listed in event record in four different roles: As speakers, partners, tutors or leaders. Only the first role will be visible in the list view whereas all roles are visible in the single view. Apart from that, the only difference is under which heading the speakers will be listed.
Entering and managing event types¶
On the same system folder that contains the speakers and organizers, you can create event types. At the moment, an event type record consists of only a title field. You can assign none or exactly one event type to an event record. If you assign no event type to an event, the default event type from TS setup will be used.
The field is hidden in the list view by default.
Entering and managing categories¶
On the same system folder that contains the speakers and organizers, you can create categories. At the moment, a category record consists of a title field and an icon field. You can assign none or multiple categories to an event record.
Entering and managing target groups¶
On the same system folder that contains the speakers and organizers, you can create target groups. At the moment, a target group record consists of only a title field. You can assign none or multiple target groups to an event record.
Entering and managing seminar sites¶
The following fields are public and will be displayed on the front end:
- title (required)
- address (you can use HTML in this field)
- country (from pre-filled list)
- homepage URL, including the http://
- directions (you can use HTML in this field)
The field “internal notes” is only for your internal use and doesn’t get displayed on the front end.
Note that in a seminar record, you can add a room number in addition to the general seminar site(s).
Entering and managing seminars¶
You can add the seminar records to the page(s) that should contain these records. Note that you have to add those pages as the DB starting point when adding a Seminar Manager content elements or the seminars won’t get listed.
Note: If you have events that occur more than once, it is highly recommended to enter one event topic and then just enter event date records, selecting the already entered topic record. You’ll save a lot of typing (or copying and pasting) that way.
You can enter the following data for a seminar, which will be used for the front end:
- record type: single event (= complete event record), only a topic or a date for a topic
- hide the seminar (default: disabled)
- when to display the seminar in the front end (don’t confuse this with the hours when the seminars take place, only enable this excludefield for users who are not apt to get these fields mixed )
- title (required) (don’t use HTML in this field)
- subtitle
- image (only available for record types single event and topic)
- categories
- teaser text (you can use some HTML in this field)
- description (you can use HTML in this field)
- event type
- language
- separate details page (using this field will in effect disable online registration for this event)
- accreditation number according to the Akkreditierungsverordnung Hessen (excludefield)
- number of credit points (excludefield)
- first seminar day and the beginning time in the format hh:mm dd-mm- yyyy, semi-required (events without a start day technically are considered to be sometime in the future)
- last seminar day and the closing time in the format hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy (if you have an open-ended event, just leave this field empty)
- registration deadline in the format hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy (Set this date if users shouldn’t be allowed to register for this event after this date/time. If not set, the seminar starting time will be the deadline instead.) Please enter a date/time smaller than the starting time.
- early bird deadline in the format hh:mm dd-mm-yyyy (Set this date if users should be able to get a better price before this deadline. If not set, no early bird prices will be used at all!). Please enter a date/time smaller than the starting time.
- License expiry: how long a registration will be valid for event dependencies
- the site(s) where the seminar takes place, select one or more sites from the database (not required), when the seminar takes place on different sites, add to the description which site will be used on which day
- room number (if the seminar site has more than one room or the room is hard to find)
- additional informations about time and place(s) (not required, no HTML allowed)
- speaker(s), select one or more speakers from the database (not required)
- partner(s) (which are in fact relations to speaker records), the same as speakers, but they will be displayed under a different heading
- tutor(s) (which are in fact relations to speaker records), the same as speakers, but they will be displayed under a different heading
- leader(s) (which are in fact relations to speaker records), the same as speakers, but they will be displayed under a different heading
- default price, without the currency name
- default price (early bird), without the currency name
- default price including full board, without the currency name
- special price (will only get displayed if it is not 0.00), without the currency name
- special price (early bird, will only get displayed if it is not 0.00), without the currency name
- special price including full board, without the currency name
- additional information about the event, payment workflow etc. can be entered in this RTE enabled field (you can use HTML here)
- any checkbox options to show in the registration form (you can select any previously entered checkbox records here)
- whether the “traveling terms” (the second “terms” checkbox) should be displayed in the registration form
- allowed payment methods for this seminar (they will be listed in the details page and in the confirmation e-mail to the attendee, so you must set at least the allowed payment methods if you want to have them to be mentioned via e-mail to the attendees )
- organizer(s) , select one or more organizers from the database (required).
- whether it is possible for FE user to register more than once for this event (this is off by default)
- how many registration are necessary for the seminar to be full enough to take place
- the maximal number of registrations before the seminar is completely full
- whether the collision check (i.e., that users cannot register for an event if they already have registered for an event that is at the same time) should be skipped for this event
- lodging options that will be available for selection in the registration form
- topics that are required for registering for this event (only for topic records)
- topics for which this topic is required (only for topic records)
Note that the beginning and end date/time include both the date of the first and last day as well as the seminar times. If the seminar times are different on some days, please add a little overview in the “additional times and places” field. (For a later version of this extension, it is planned to have allow for different time slots on different days.)
If you don’t know the seminar hours yet, enter 00:00 as starting and closing time. If the event is open-ended, just leave the end date/time field empty.
In addition, you can put internal notes into the seminar record. The internal notes don’t get published on the front end.
The following fields are automatically calculated (and get updated each time a seminar record is saved):
- current number of registrations, including unpaid registrations
- whether the seminar already has enough registrations to take place
- whether the seminar is full
The following fields can be searched using the search box in the list view:
- title
- subtitle
- description
- accreditation number
Teaser text: This field will only be displayed in the list view and usually is hidden. It is intended to be used with a user-tailored HTML template for the list view where a teaser text fits in better.
Entering registration (attendance) records¶
Each registration to an event creates an attendance record. These records are used internally and not directly shown in the front end. The only fields you need to manually change in an attendance record are the payment date and whether the person has really attended. All other fields should not be changed manually! This will change in the future! We plan to implement some functions in the new back-end module that assist the organizer.
- title
- user
- seminar
- price
- total price
- datepaid
- method_of_payment
- Bank data:
- account_number
- bank_code
- bank_name
- account_owner
- Billing address:
- name
- address
- zip
- city
- country
- telephone
- been_there
- interests
- expectations
- background_knowledge
- selected lodging options
- accommodation (text)
- food
- known_from
- notes
- seats
- attendees_names
- kids
- lodgings
Using lodging and food options¶
You can create “lodging options” and “food options” records that will be available in the registration form. After you have created these records, you can select them in the event records; the corresponding options then will be displayed in the registration for for this event and get saved in the registration record.
Canceling events¶
In case the speaker is ill or there are not enough registrations, you can mark an event as canceled by checking “Has been canceled” in the seminar record. This will mark the event as canceled in the front end (the default style in the list view is stricken through plus a message in the single view). You still need to manually notify and refund the attendees who have registered so far.
Assigning event numbers¶
There are two common ways for assigning numbers to your event:
- If you just want to have automatically assigned, unique, numeric numbers for your events, you can use the UID field of the event record.
- If you would like to assign the numbers yourself or you need to have non-numeric event IDs, you can use the “accreditation number” field and change the front-end and e-mail labels accordingly (see the corresponding section in this manual about how to do this). In this case, you need to make sure yourself that the IDs are unique.