New hooks for the single view¶
There now are two new hooks for the single view. They are registered like this in ext_localconf.php:
= 'EXT:seminarspaypal/Classes/Hooks/EventSingleView.php:' .
They are used like this:
class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_SingleView implements Tx_Seminars_Interface_Hook_EventSingleView {
* Modifies the event single view.
* @param tx_seminars_Model_Event $event
* the event to display in the single view
* @param Tx_Oelib_Template $template
* the template that will be used to create the single view output
* @return void
public functionmodifyEventSingleView(tx_seminars_Model_Event$event, Tx_Oelib_Template$template) {…}
* Modifies a list row in the time slots list (which is part of the event
* single view).
* @param tx_seminars_Model_TimeSlot $timeSlot
* the time slot to display in the current row
* @param Tx_Oelib_Template $template
* the template that will be used to create the list row output
* @return void
public function modifyTimeSlotListRow(tx_seminars_Model_TimeSlot $timeSlot, Tx_Oelib_Template $template) {…}
New hooks for the list view¶
There now is a new hook for the list view. It’s registered like this in ext_localconf.php:
= 'EXT:seminarspaypal/Hooks/Classes/Hooks/ListView.php:' .
It’s used like this:
class Tx_Seminarspaypal_Hooks_ListView implements Tx_Seminars_Interface_Hook_EventListView {
* Adds a countdown column.
* @param Tx_Seminars_Model_Event $event
* the affected registration
* @param Tx_Oelib_Template $template
* the template from which the list row is built
public function modifyListRow(
Tx_Seminars_Model_Event $event, Tx_Oelib_Template $template
) {…}
* Adds an "add to cart" PayPal button for non-free registrations that have
* not been paid for.
* @param Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration
* the affected registration
* @param Tx_Oelib_Template $template
* the template from which the list row is built
public function modifyMyEventsListRow(
Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Template $template
) {…}
Hooks for the organizer notification e-mails¶
To use this hook, please create a class that implements the interface tx_seminars_Interface_Hook_Registration. The method in your class then should expect two parameters:
public function modifyOrganizerNotificationEmail(
Tx_Seminars_OldModel_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Template $emailTemplate
) {
Your class then needs to be included and registered like in this example:
// register my hook objects
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['seminars']['registration'][] = 'EXT:invoices/class.tx_invoices_email.php:tx_invoices_email';
Hooks for the thank-you e-mails sent after a registration¶
There are two hooks: one for modifying the e-mail (e.g., adding recipients or attachments), and one for modifying the e-mail texts before the corresponding subparts are rendered
Hook for the e-mail
To use this hook, you need to create a class with a method named modifyThankYouEmail. The method in your class should expect two parameters:
public function modifyThankYouEmail(
Tx_Oelib_Mail $email, Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration
) {
Your class then needs to be included and registered like in this example:
// includes my hook class
require_once(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('invoices') . 'class.tx_invoices_email.php');
// register my hook objects
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['seminars']['registration'][] = 'EXT:invoices/class.tx_invoices_email.php:tx_invoices_email';
Hook for the e-mail text
To use this hook, please create a class that implements the interface tx_seminars_Interface_Hook_Registration. The method in your class then should expect two parameters:
public function modifyAttendeeEmailText(
Tx_Seminars_OldModel_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Template $emailTemplate
) {
Your class then needs to be included and registered like in this example:
// register my hook objects
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['seminars']['registration'][] = 'EXT:invoices/class.tx_invoices_email.php:tx_invoices_email';
Hooks for the e-mails sent from the back-end module¶
The hook classes need to be registered and written like this:
= 'EXT:seminarspaypal/Hooks/class.tx_seminarspaypal_Hooks_BackEndModule.php:' .
It’s used like this:
class tx_seminarspaypal_Hooks_BackEndModule implements Tx_Seminars_Interface_Hook_BackEndModule {
* Modifies the general e-mail sent via the back-end module.
* Note: This hook does not get called yet. It is just here so the interface
* is finalized.
* @param Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration
* the registration to which the e-mail refers
* @param Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail
* the e-mail that will be sent
* @return void
public function modifyGeneralEmail(Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail) {…}
* Modifies the confirmation e-mail sent via the back-end module.
* @param Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration
* the registration to which the e-mail refers
* @param Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail
* the e-mail that will be sent
* @return void
public function modifyConfirmEmail(Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail) {…}
* Modifies the cancelation e-mail sent via the back-end module.
* Note: This hook does not get called yet. It is just here so the interface
* is finalized.
* @param Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration
* the registration to which the e-mail refers
* @param Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail
* the e-mail that will be sent
* @return void
public function modifyCancelEmail(Tx_Seminars_Model_Registration $registration, Tx_Oelib_Mail $eMail) {…}
Please contact us if you need additional hooks.