
  • There are 3 map templates: Map.html, Search.html and Openstreetmap.html. The first two displays a google map. The last one displays an Openstreetmap. Search.html is used for the uncached search action. You could use that action for everything that should be uncached.

  • If you want to use the "Google maps", you need a Google API key. You find more infos here:

  • If you want to use the "Openstreetmap", you need an tile-server, because this template works with Leaflet.

    Note: not every tile-server is free of charge. You find some tile-providers here:

    Note: you need to download the Leaflet-files from the Leaflet-server:

    Note: the default path for the Leaflet-files are: fileadmin/Resources/Public/Styles/leaflet.css and fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/leaflet.js.

  • If you use "Google maps", you can enable an route planner too. This does not work for "Openstreetmap".

  • You can use the feature "get geocode" only if you have a google account, because for this feature you need a google maps api key too. The geocoding works only if you specify a google maps api key.

  • You can enable clustering of markers for both maps. If you use Openstreetmap, you need to download the leaflet.markercluster-files too: Note: the default path to the leaflet.markercluster-files are: fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css, fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css and fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/leaflet.markercluster.js.