There are 3 map templates: Map.html, Search.html and Openstreetmap.html. The first two displays a google map. The last one displays an Openstreetmap. Search.html is used for the uncached search action. You could use that action for everything that should be uncached.
If you want to use the "Google maps", you need a Google API key. You find more infos here:
If you want to use the "Openstreetmap", you need an tile-server, because this template works with Leaflet.
Note: not every tile-server is free of charge. You find some tile-providers here:
Note: you need to download the Leaflet-files from the Leaflet-server:
Note: the default path for the Leaflet-files are: fileadmin/Resources/Public/Styles/leaflet.css and fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/leaflet.js.
If you use "Google maps", you can enable an route planner too. This does not work for "Openstreetmap".
You can use the feature "get geocode" only if you have a google account, because for this feature you need a google maps api key too. The geocoding works only if you specify a google maps api key.
You can enable clustering of markers for both maps. If you use Openstreetmap, you need to download the leaflet.markercluster-files too: Note: the default path to the leaflet.markercluster-files are: fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.css, fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css and fileadmin/Resources/Public/Scripts/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/dist/leaflet.markercluster.js.