With the TypoScript configuration and the Page TSconfig you can set it up, that you can also link to the single view of a camaliga element directly in the RTE.
In the page TSconfig add this (replace the 64!):
TCEMAIN.linkHandler.tx_camaliga_domain_model_content {
handler = TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler
label = Camaliga
configuration {
table = tx_camaliga_domain_model_content
storagePid = 64
hidePageTree = 1
scanAfter = page
Then you need some TypoScript setup (replace 112!):
config.recordLinks.tx_camaliga_domain_model_content {
typolink {
parameter = 112 = field:uid
additionalParams.wrap = &tx_camaliga_show[content]=|&tx_camaliga_show[controller]=Content&tx_camaliga_show[action]=show
useCacheHash = 1
// Do not force link generation when the records are hidden or deleted.
forceLink = 0
Note: replace tx_camaliga_show with tx_camaliga_pi1 in Camaliga version below 12. Or replace it with tx_camaliga_showextended if you are not using the regular single-view.