User Guide

  • First you need to include the static typoscript template.: Template → Info/Modify → Includes → Static include (From extensions) → Camaliga.

  • Second: you should decide, which fields you want to use. Read the chapter Administration → Configuration via Extension-Manager. Thats very important for admins. Furthermore read the chapter Administration → Scheduler-Tasks if you are an admin.

  • Now create a folder for the new elements. Change to that folder and into the list view. Create some elements:


Image 5: Create new elements

  • There are several fields. You must fill out only the title. When done, add a new plugin to your page and select Camaliga. You will see a lot of FlexForm-options:


Image 6: FlexForm-options

  • Select a template layout and make other settings:


Image 7: Select a layout

  • Select the folder with the elements. If you don´t select something, the TypoScript setting is used. If there is no storagePid defined too, the current document will be used as storage pid.


Image 8: Select the folder

  • Done. You can make some more settings via TypoScript, e.g. the image width:


Image 9: Some TypoScript settings

  • See chapter Configuration for the TypoScript settings.

  • If you want to use the enhanced features, then you must create some TYPO3 categories. There are many ways to use the categories. You can use them for a default selection or even in the frontend for the elements or for a user search. Note: the parent category is used as the description of the category in the exented view. Example: you have a category “Astrolabium” that describes your element, then you must use a parent category too that describes that category. In this case: “Type”. See image:


Image 10: Create a category


Image 11: How to use categories

  • Note: normally the categories are used as radio-button in the search. If you want to use checkboxes in the search, you need to write “checkbox” in the description of the parent category. Note: the parent categories are ignored in normal templates. Now you can use the categories in the camaliga-elements:


Image 12: Use the categories

  • Finally you can select the categories that should be used in the plugin:


Image 13: Select the categories in the plugin-mode

  • Another features is the parent-child-relation. This is important if you want to show on some pages only distinct elements (parents) and on a single page both elements. Otherwise you can use 2 different folders, but the relation has some other pros too.


Image 14: Mother-Child-Relation