Here you can make some settings.
Property |
Data type |
Description |
Default |
view.templateRootPaths.0 & .1 |
string |
Path to the main template. Example: plugin.tx_camaliga.view.templateRootPaths.1 = fileadmin/template/files/
EXT:... |
view.partialRootPaths.0 & .1 |
string |
Path to the partials of the template. |
EXT:... |
view.layoutRootPaths.0 & .1 |
string |
Path to the layout template. |
EXT:... |
persistence.storagePid |
int |
Storage PID of the Camaliga elements. Can be defined by the plugin too. |
features.rewrittenPropertyMapper |
boolean |
Use the rewritten property mapper? |
1 |
settings.defaultStoragePids |
String / int |
Comma seperated list of storage pids. This must be a subset of the storagePids. Makes only sense if you use an extended template. Syntax: [pid1],[pid2],[pid3]
Example: plugin.tx_camaliga.settings.defaultStoragePids = 354,349
settings.defaultCatIDs |
String / int |
Default categories. Only elements with this category will be shown. Can be changed in extended templates by the user. Syntax: [cat1],[cat2],[cat3]
Example: plugin.tx_camaliga.settings.defaultCatIDs = 2,3
settings.listId |
int |
ID of the list page. |
settings.searchId |
int |
ID of the page where the search should be. See chapter Admin./Ext. templ. |
settings.showId |
int |
ID of the single page. |
settings.sortBy |
string |
Sort by? Syntax: sorting|crdate|tstamp|title|zip|city|country|custom1|custom2|custom3
sorting |
settings.sortOrder |
string |
Order by? Syntax: asc|desc
asc |
settings.limit |
integer |
Number of elements to show (in list view). An SQL-parameter. 0=all. |
0 |
settings.random |
boolean |
Shuffle elements (random order, cached)? 0: no. 1: yes, shuffle the elements every time the cache is cleared. |
0 |
settings.getLatLon |
boolean |
Try to get the latitude and longitude from an API for every entry with an address but no latitude? Checks the GPS-coordinates of images in the create-action too. 0: no. 1: yes, search the position in the carousel, list, map or create-action. Use the API of Google. settings.maps.key must be set! 2: yes, search the position in the carousel, list, map or create-action. Use the API of Openstreetmap. |
0 |
settings.onlyDistinct |
boolean |
Show only distinct entries? 0: no. 1: yes, show only the parent element when there are childs available or show a child when there is no parent available. |
0 |
settings.normalCategoryMode |
string |
At normal templates: how to use the categories for a search? and: and-mode. or: or-mode. |
and |
settings.extendedCategoryMode |
boolean |
At extended templates: how to use the categories for a search? 0: you can search only for subcategories. 1: you can search for parent-categories too, but parent-categories must always be selected too in the camaliga element (only for radio-buttons)! |
0 |
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty |
boolean |
Override FlexForm settings with TypoScript settings if the FlexForm settings are empty? 0: no. 1: yes (works good, except for checkboxes). |
1 |
settings.category.storagePids |
string |
Folder with categories. -1: all categories; empty: use normal folder. |
settings.category.sortBy |
string |
Sort categories by: sorting (default), tstamp, crdate, title or uid. |
settings.category.orderBy |
string |
Order categories by: asc (default) or desc. |
settings.img.width |
int |
Width of the images. Can be used in the template. Is used in the create-action. |
700 |
settings.img.height |
int |
Height of the images. Can be used in the template. Is used in the create-action. |
500 |
settings.img.thumbWidth |
int |
Thumbnail width of the images. Can be used in the template. |
195 |
settings.img.thumbHeight |
int |
Thumbnail height of the images. Can be used in the template. |
139 |
settings.img.folderForNewEntries |
string |
Folder in the default storage for uploaded images in the FE |
camaliga |
settings.item.width |
int |
Width of an (carousel-)item. |
195 |
settings.item.height |
int |
Height of an (carousel-)item. |
290 |
settings.item.padding |
int |
Padding of an (carousel-)item. |
0 |
settings.item.margin |
int |
Marging of an (carousel-)item. |
10 |
settings.item.items |
int |
Number of visible items (JavaScript-parameter). |
3 |
settings.maps.key |
string |
Google maps API key |
settings.maps.language |
int |
Google maps API language |
de |
settings.maps.dontIncludeAPI |
boolean |
Dont include the JS with the Google maps API key? |
0 |
settings.maps.includeRoute |
boolean |
Include a partial for a route planner? |
0 |
settings.maps.clustering |
boolean |
Clustering of markers? |
0 |
settings.maps.zoom |
int |
Zoom level for the next 2 values |
5 |
settings.maps.startLatitude |
float |
Latitude for an empty map |
50.0 |
settings.maps.startLongitude |
float |
Longitude for an empty map |
10.0 |
settings.maps.tileLayer |
string |
Path to a tile-layer-distributor (OpenStreetMap) |
[OSM] |
settings.maps.attribution |
string |
Attribution for the tile layers (OpenStreetMap) |
[OSM] |
settings.maps.maxZoom |
int |
Maximum zoom level |
19 |
settings.seo.setTitle |
boolean |
Change the site-title on a single site? 0: no. 1: yes, set the title of an element on a single page. |
0 |
settings.seo.setIndexedDocTitle |
boolean |
Change the title in an sitemap of an single element? 0: no. 1: yes, change the title in an sitemap. |
0 |
settings.seo.setDescription |
boolean |
Change the meta-description on a single site? Does not work if the metaseo-extension is installed. 0: no. 1: yes, set the shortdesc of an element as meta-description. |
0 |
settings.seo.setOgTitle |
boolean |
Add the og:title tag to the header on a single site? 0: no; 1: yes. |
0 |
settings.seo.setOgDescription |
boolean |
Add the og:description tag to the header on a single site? 0: no; 1: yes. |
0 |
settings.seo.setOgImage |
boolean |
Add the og:image tag to the header on a single site if there is an image? 0: no. 1: yes, add the og:image meta-tag on a single page |
0 |
settings.extended.enable |
boolean |
Enable the extended template? See chapter "Extended templates" The following 3 settings only affect, if this option is turned on. |
0 |
settings.extended.onlySearchForm |
boolean |
Initially only show an empty search form? |
0 |
settings.extended.restrictSearch |
boolean |
Show fewer search options? |
0 |
settings.extended.radiusValues |
string |
Comma separated values for the select box at the radius search. Syntax: [km1],[km2],[km3]
Example: plugin.tx_camaliga.settings.extended.radiusValues = 10,25,50,100
settings.extended.saveSearch |
boolean |
Save the search parameters in a cookie and load them later? |
0 |
settings.extended.template |
string |
Default template to display when using the action "search" |
settings.more.setModulo |
boolean |
Add some modulo infos to each camaliga element? {content.moduloBegin} and {content.moduloEnd} will be set. This values depends on settings.item.items. See template Ekko.html for usage. |
0 |
settings.more.addLightbox |
boolean |
Add a lightbox to the Galleryview-template? Can be used in other templates to like in Galleryview.html |
0 |
settings.more.* |
mixed |
Many options for silders like Flexslider2, Slick carousel, Galleryview. |
settings.bootstrap.* |
mixed |
See at the FlexForms and/or the Bootstrap homepage. |
Here an example with some settings:
plugin.tx_camaliga {
view.templateRootPaths.1 = fileadmin/template/camaliga/
settings.defaultCatIDs = 4,5
settings.showId = 410
settings.listId = 402