
The “Url” type generates a simple <input> field, which handles different kinds of links.

It corresponds with the TCA type='input' (inputLink).



| Required: false | Type: boolean | Default: ‘false’ |

If set, the autocomplete feature is enabled for this field.


| Required: false | Type: string | Default: ‘’ |

Default value set if a new record is created.


| Required: false | Type: array | Default: ‘’ |

The link browser control is typically used with type='input' with renderType='inputLink' adding a button which opens a popup to select an internal link to a page, an external link or a mail address.

allowedExtensions (string, list)
Comma separated list of allowed file extensions. By default, all extensions are allowed.
blindLinkFields (string, list)
Comma separated list of link fields that should not be displayed. Possible values are class, params, target and title. By default, all link fields are displayed.
blindLinkOptions (string, list)
Comma separated list of link options that should not be displayed. Possible values are file, folder, mail, page, spec, telephone and url. By default, all link options are displayed.
windowOpenParameters (string)
Allows to set a different size of the popup, defaults to height=800,width=600,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1.


  allowedExtensions: 'pdf'
  blindLinkFields: 'target,title'
  blindLinkOptions: 'folder,spec,telefone,mail'
  windowOpenParameters: 'height=800,width=600'

| Required: false | Type: integer | Default: ‘700’ |

Value for the “maxlength” attribute of the <input> field. Javascript prevents adding more than the given number of characters.


| Required: false | Type: string | Default: ‘’ |

Placeholder text for the field.


| Required: false | Type: boolean | Default: ‘false’ |

If set, the field will become mandatory.


| Required: false | Type: integer | Default: ‘20’ |

Abstract value for the width of the <input> field.


| Required: false | Type: boolean | Default: ‘false’ |

If set, the PHP trim function is applied on the field’s content.