

As the extension allows 3rd party login providers to authenticate users, the first thing you need is to change the cookie security setting for the backend from sameSite to lax (if you are using providers hosted on another domain, for example Github or Google).

File: AdditionalConfiguration.php (or adjust Localconfiguration.php):

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['cookieSameSite'] = 'lax';

Access Rights

To allow non-admin users to add OAuth2 Login Providers, please allow them to modify the table tx_oauth2_client_configs.

Authentication Providers

The extension is based on the oauth2 client implementation from - by default, it comes with a generic provider you can configure for your use case.

The configuration is done in the file AdditionalConfiguration.php or directly in LocalConfiguration.php in the section $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['oauth2_client'].


If you are using composer, you can ease your configuration by requiring a pre-configured client package for the platform you want.

In the following section both the generic and some more specific examples are shown.

GenericProvider - Configuration

The generic provider can be used for basically any platform that supports oauth2.

Gitlab minimal example:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['oauth2_client'] = [
    'providers' => [
        'gitlab' => [
            'label' => 'Gitlab',
            'options' => [
                'clientId' => '<your-gitlab-client-id>',
                'clientSecret' => '<your-gitlab-client-secret',
                'urlAuthorize' => 'https://<>/oauth/authorize',
                'urlAccessToken' => 'https://<>/oauth/token',
                'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => 'https://<>/api/v4/user',
                'scopes' => ['openid', 'read_user'],
                'scopeSeparator' => ' '



| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: ‘’ |

The label to show both in the login screen as well as in the configuration.


| Condition: optional | Type: string | Default: ‘’ |

A description for the provider. The description is shown to the user when configuring the provider.


| Condition: optional | Type: string | Default: ‘actions-key’ |

A registered icon identifier. If you want to use custom icons, make sure to register them first.


| Condition: optional | Type: string | Default: ‘actions-key’ |

The provider class name - the default is \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider::class - can be replaced for more specific providers, for example \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Github::class if the github provider has been installed.


| Condition: required | Type: array | Default: |

The provider options - are given directly to the provider instance as constructor arguments. Please check your provider documentation for the concrete values (and see the examples section in this manual).


| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: |

The OAuth2 client id.


| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: |

The OAuth2 client secret.


| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: |

The OAuth2 authorization URL.


| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: |

The OAuth2 access token API URL.


| Condition: required | Type: string | Default: |

The OAuth2 REST API URL for getting the resource owner information (for example the user profile REST API route).


| Condition: optional | Type: array of strings | Default: |

The scopes to request for the OAuth provider. May be required depending on the concrete provider (it is required in Gitlab for example).


| Condition: optional | Type: string | Default: , |

The scope separator used to separate the different required scopes in the URL.

options.proxy | options.verify

| Condition: optional | Type: string | Default: |

You can use a proxy to debug HTTP calls made to a provider. See

Full example:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['oauth2_client'] = [
   'providers' => [
        'gitlab' => [
         'label' => 'Gitlab',
         'iconIdentifier' => 'oauth2-gitlab',
         'description' => 'Login with Gitlab',
         'implementationClassName' => \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider::class,
         'options' => [
             'clientId' => '<client-id>',
             'clientSecret' => '<client-secret>',
             'urlAuthorize' => 'https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/authorize',
             'urlAccessToken' => 'https://<your-gitlab-url>/oauth/token',
             'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => 'https://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/user',
             'scopes' => ['openid', 'read_user'],
             'scopeSeparator' => ' ',
             'proxy' => '',
             'verify' => false,