Changing the Field Configuration

At the Extension Level

The configuration of any field can be changed at the extension level by TypoScript. The syntax is the following:

plugin.tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1.formName.viewType.fields[.tableName].fieldName.fieldProperty = propertyValue

For example, assume that one wants to change the width and the height of the image in the List view in the Tutorial1.

  • The tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores_pi1 is tx_savlibraryexample1_pi1,

  • the formName is Contact,

  • the viewType is listView (use singleView, editView for the other types),

  • the tableName is the table in which the field fieldName is. It can be omitted if the field is in the main table.

  • the fieldName is image,

  • the fieldProperty is width or height.

It leads to the following configuration:

plugin.tx_savlibraryexample1_pi1.Contact.listView.fields.image.width = 200
plugin.tx_savlibraryexample1_pi1.Contact.listView.fields.image.height = 200


Do not forget to add _pi1 to the extension name.

At the Page Level

The configuration of any field can be changed at the extension level by means of the page TypoScript Config. The syntax is the following:

tx_yourExtensionNameWithoutUnderscores.formName.viewType.fields[.tableName].fieldName.fieldProperty = propertyValue

Using the same example as above, it leads to:

tx_savlibraryexample1.Contact.listView.fields.image.width = 200
tx_savlibraryexample1.Contact.listView.fields.image.height = 200


Do not add _pi1 to the extension name.