This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



In this example, we create a datatype for a job listing with a detail page and search/filtering.



We create a new folder for our fields, datatype and records, so we have a centralized folder, where the data of the job can be found.

We also need pages for

  • Our Job-Listing
  • A Job-Detail Page


Fieldtype Tabname Label Variable Name Explanation
Select 1-General Employment Type employment We need a select field with pre-defined values, so we need to add different field-values for all the select options, that we want to offer. We also need to refresh the form on change to display different fields according to the selection (displayCond), so we enable the Checkbox "Request Update (onChange)" in the "Display Conditions"-Tab
Select 1-General Contract Type contract We need a select field with pre-defined values as we made before
Input 1-General Work hours per day workhours This is a field, that only shows up, when the employment type "Part-Time" was selected. For this, we need to create a Display Condition for this field. FIELD:50:=:Part-time 50 is the id of the Employment-Type Field. Another important action is to validate the field for only using numeric values, so we enable eval = int in the Field Configuration.
Input 1-General Job Description jobdescription The main name of the job that we also use for our record title, with the "Use as record title"-Option that names the record with the value in this field.
Textarea 1-General Short Description teaser This is used as a small teaser description
RTE 2-Texts Description description A html field for entering a detailed job description
RTE 2-Texts Requirements requirements A html field for entering detailed requirements for the job

Template Variables

Type Name Value
Fixed Value listPageId We enter the id of our list page that we will use later for getting back from the detail to the list page.


We create a datatype called "Job" and assign the fields aswell as a nice Person-Icon to it.


We need some Job-Records of course :)

Plugin for Listing and Details

Please refer to the News-Example, to see how to add Listings and a Detail Page.

Plugin for Searching in the Listing through the Job Title

The "Target record display plugin, which will follow this plugin" needs to be set to the "Display Records"-Plugin, that already exists on the page to display the records.

We want to create a searchbox, that searches through the Job Title for the entered searchstring and lists only records that match the searchstring.

Search type configuration

Search through record title and fields

Field Search Settings

Filter Combination AND
Field Job Description Field
Condition Like (like)

Plugin for Filtering in the Listing


The "Target record display plugin, which will follow this plugin" needs to be set to the "Display Records"-Plugin, that already exists on the page to display the records.

We want to create a filter for selecting the Employment-Type in the frontend, so a visitor can easy select between the employment-types.

Fields for filtering

We select field "Employment Type" and select "Dropdown" for the "Filter Frontend Type".

Options for filters

An empty option as a default option that also can remove the other filters:

Filter Combination AND
According filter Field Employment-Type Field
Option Name -- Please select --
Option Condition Not Equal (neq)
Option Value Please leave this empty!

The option for the Full Time Filter:

Filter Combination AND
According filter Field Employment-Type Field
Option Name Full time
Option Condition Equal (eq)
Option Value Full time

The option for the Part-time Filter:

Filter Combination AND
According filter Field Employment-Type Field
Option Name Part-time
Option Condition Equal (eq)
Option Value Part-time