This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Add Supersized via TypoScript

You can add Supersized via TypoScript for the whole website or a website section.


Include the static template (see above).

Configure the plugin in your template setup:

plugin.tx_frsupersized {
    settings {
        general {
            # the images have to be in folder /uploads/tx_frsupersized/
            slides = myImage1.jpg,myImage2.jpg,myImage3.jpg
        fullbackground {
            verticalCenter = 1
            horizontalCenter = 1
        slideshow {
            slideshow = 1
            autoplay = 1
            thumbLinks = 1


Define a user function:

lib.supersized = USER
lib.supersized {
    userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
    pluginName = Pi1
    extensionName = Frsupersized
    controller = Supersized
    action = index

    settings =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.settings
    persistence =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.persistence
    view =< plugin.tx_frsupersized.view

Include the user function in your page configuration:

page = PAGE
page {
    mySupersizedMarker < lib.supersized
