This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

For Users

Show Article(s)

First of all you have to add a new content element of type “Article(s)”.

Shopware-Plugins: Artikel und Kategorien

After that you are able to choose the articles you want to display in frontend.

Choose article from list of all articles
Choose article via autocomplete wizard


The default behaviour is to choose articles and categories via autocomplete-wizard. If you wish to change this and list all available articles and categories in your frontend plugin configuration you have to configure it in your extension configuration in extension manager.


Please note that you to override the article partial for an optimized frontend output (Configuration via TypoScript).


With the expression {article.url} you can link articles within your fluid template. This feature is only available in the full version.

Show Categories(s)

Similiar to articles you can show categories in the frontend by adding a content element of type “Category(s)”.

Choose category from list of all categories
Choose category via autocomplete wizard


With the expression {category.subCategories} you can render a menu structure based on shopware categories within your fluid template.


With {category.url} you can link categories within your fluid template. This feature is only available in the full version.