CLI Commands

Cleanup expired registrations

Only needed if you use registrations for events

If a new participant registers to an event, the participant must confirm the registration in a given timeframe (default 1 hour from registration time). If the participant does not confirms the registration in the given timeframe, the booked place for the event should be made available again for other participants.

In order to remove/hide expired registrations, a CLI command is available to remove/hide expired registrations.

Example with --delete option:

./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 sf_event_mgt:cleanup:expired --delete


Cleanup expired command

It is recommended to setup a scheduler task to execute the CLI command periodically.

GDPR cleanup for registrations

Local data privacy policies may require, that you only save personal user data when needed. In order to remove personal user data of registrations including saved registration field data for expired events, a CLI command is available.


  • days - Amount of days reduced from todays date for expired event selection.


  • softDelete - If set, registration will not be deleted hard, but only flagged as deleted
  • ignoreEventRestriction - If set, simply all available registrations will be selected and deleted. Use with care!


./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 sf_event_mgt:cleanup:gdpr 10


Cleanup GDPR command

It is recommended to setup a scheduler task to execute the CLI command periodically.