
LinkHandler is the synonym for making it possible for editors to create links to custom records.

Configuration for the backend

PageTsConfig is used to configure the link browser in the backend.

TCEMAIN.linkHandler {
    tx_event {
        handler = TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler
        label = Events
        configuration {
            table = tx_sfeventmgt_domain_model_event
            # Default storage pid
            storagePid = 26
            # Hide the page tree by setting it to 1
            hidePageTree = 0

        scanAfter = page

Configuration for the frontend

The links are now stored in the database with the syntax <a href="t3://record?identifier=tx_event&uid=123">A link</a>. By using TypoScript, the link is transformed into an actual link.

config.recordLinks {
    tx_event {
        typolink {
            parameter = 29
   = field:uid
            additionalParams.wrap = &tx_sfeventmgt_pieventdetail[action]=detail&tx_sfeventmgt_pieventdetail[controller]=Event&tx_sfeventmgt_pieventdetail[event]=|