Include the default TypoScript

To use the default rendering definitions provided by fluid_styled_content, you have to add the extension's static TypoScript template to your root template.

When you are using a site package you can add the following lines to your site packages setup.typoscript and constants.typoscript:

# Import the default constants of EXT:fluid_styled_content
@import 'EXT:fluid_styled_content/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.typoscript'
# Import the default setup of EXT:fluid_styled_content
@import 'EXT:fluid_styled_content/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript'

# Import the default CSS of EXT:fluid_styled_content
@import 'EXT:fluid_styled_content/Configuration/TypoScript/Styling/setup.typoscript'

This is the recommended way as the import of TypoScript can be kept under version control this way.

Alternative: Include the template in the root TypoScript record

It is also still possible to include the TypoScript templates directly into the TypoScript template database record. However there are draw backs: The import is then stored in the database and not the file system and cannot be kept under version control.

Edit the whole template record

  1. Go to the module Web > Template.
  2. In the page tree, select the page which contains the root template of your website.
  3. Select Info/Modify in the dropdown at the top of the Web > Template module.
  4. Click the Edit the whole template record. This will open all the settings of the root template:

Include the Fluid Content Elements TypoScript template

Go to the tab Includes and select Fluid Content Elements in the Available items under Include static (from extensions). The selection will move to the Selected items.

TYPO3 is now using the rendering definitions of fluid_styled_content for the default set of content elements. This is essentially unstyled HTML5 markup.

You can additionally select Fluid Content Elements CSS (optional). This template adds some CSS styling to make sure all the parts of a content elements have some styling, this will include alignment and positioning. This set of styles will not add any colors, make any changes to typography or anything else related to your website's visual style. This static include is optional, as it is common for integrators to override the basic styling.

Save the template by using the save button at the top of the module.

Next step

Display the content elements in your site package template.