
Typical page content: Table List

The Table content element can be used to display tabular data.

The content element Table in the backend

By default the Field delimiter is a vertical bar "|", the Text enclosure set to none.

A Table caption can be provided as a heading for the table.

The content element Table in the backend, tab Appearance

Also some appearance options are available for the table. These can be found in the Appearance tab:

The maximum amount of columns. Even when more columns are defined in the Table content field, the table will only show the maximum amount of columns.
Table class
Some predefined classes to style the table output.
Table header position
The first row or the first column can be used as a table header.
Use table footer
The last row will be used to group the table's footer area (which may be a summary, an addition of column values, or some call to action based on the preceding content).