The scheduler shell script
The scheduler provides a PHP shell script designed to be run using TYPO3's command-line dispatcher. To try and run that script a first time, type the following command.
On a Composer based system:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run
On a system without Composer (adapt the path to TYPO3 to match your system):
typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 scheduler:run
You might have to add the full path to the PHP interpreter in front of the command if PHP is not on the search path:
/usr/local/bin/php typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 scheduler:run
In the following examples, we will use the path to typo3
for systems
with Composer.
Show help
In order to show help:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run --help
Providing options to the shell script
The shell scripts accepts a number of options which can be provided in any order.
--task (-i)
To run a specific scheduler task you need to provide the uid of the task:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run --task=8
bin/typo3 scheduler:run -i 8
The example will trigger the task with uid 8.
New in version 10.3
It is possible to run several tasks:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run --task=8 --task=2
The tasks will be executed in the order in which they are provided.
To run a task even if it is disabled (or not scheduled to be run yet), you need to provide the force option:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run --task=8 -f
This will also run the task with uid 8 if it is disabled.
A single -v flag will output errors only. Two -vv flags will also output additional information:
bin/typo3 scheduler:run --task=8 -v