TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.
Preparation in 4.x¶
TYPO3 Version
Make sure your installation is running at least TYPO3 4.5 LTS. The TYPO3 6.2 upgrade process is possible from any version from 4.5 (i.e. 4.6, 4.7, 6.0 or 6.1).
If you are running a lower version of TYPO3, please upgrade to 4.5 first.
New system requirements
Make sure the new environment fulfills the necessary system requirements: especially PHP. (PHP 5.2 is no longer supported.) For details on the specific requirements, check the "" file bundled with the TYPO3 Source package.
Preparation steps¶
In the original 4.x TYPO3 installation, do the following:
Upgrade the extensions in use to the latest possible version that is available for your old installation. Check if any extension that you are using is not compatible with TYPO3 6.2.
Uninstall extensions that you are not using, in order to clean up your installation and remove deprecated and potentially dangerous code.
Physically remove unnecessary extensions from the
There are many extensions which provide compatibility with both TYPO 4.5 and 6.2, which are able to run perfectly fine in both TYPO3 releases.
Reference Index¶
Go to the "Admin Tools" > "DB check" module and use the "Manage Reference Index" function.
Click on "Update Reference Index" to update the index in sys_refindex. This is especially important for later migrating references to files in the 6.2 FAL Upgrade Wizard.
Compatibility Check¶
Install the extension smoothmigration in your old installation. This extension provides a module in the Backend that is able to analyze your current installation – in particular the installed extensions – and give you hints on compatibility problems.
The following checks will be carried out, with more to come as the extension will be updated regularly.
Calls to deprecated and removed static methods: Some of these can be migrated automatically!
Calls to deprecated Fluid view helpers
Calls to PHP mysql_* methods (removed since PHP 5.5)
Usages of removed constants (like PATH_t3lib, etc)
Usages of require_once calls to core files that were moved or renamed. Simply remove the require_once call in your extensions and use the necessary classes. TYPO3 will take care of loading these namespaced classes by means of the auto-loader. This can be automatically migrated by this extension!
Usages of XCLASS: The XCLASS concept was removed in TYPO3 6.x. There is now is a new method for registering replacement classes instead.
Calls to DAM classes or methods, since DAM no longer works in TYPO3 6.2. Use FAL instead and adapt your extensions to using the new technology.
Usage of a UTF-8 database. In the TYPO3 4.5 database, character sets other than UTF-8 were deprecated but could still be used. This is no longer possible in TYPO3 6.2, so this check will make sure you are using UTF-8 already in your database. The smoothmigration extension provides an automatic migration routine for this issue.