Shared components

It is not always necessary or desired to automatically register all related components based on the registration of a DataProcessor. In some cases, for example, it may be necessary to use a component more than once, e.g. if several modules use the same template and thus one Presenter can be used for all those modules.

To be able to cover this special case, it is possible to specify a concrete DataProvider or Presenter for individual DataProcessors in the Services.yaml file.


Use of the AbstractDataProcessor required

The following examples are only applicable to DataProcessors that extend the AbstractDataProcessor, since it provides the necessary methods. These are not part of the DataProcessorInterface.

Example 1: Shared Presenter

Assume that there are two modules Highlight Box and Highlight Text, which are both rendered using the same Handlebars template. The data provision is still done via two separate DataProviders.

In the Services.yaml file, we register both DataProcessors, but specify a concrete method call setPresenter(). This is normally called automatically if it is not set manually.

# Configuration/Services.yaml

    tags: ['handlebars.processor']
      - setPresenter: ['@Vendor\Extension\Presenter\HighlightPresenter']
    tags: ['handlebars.processor']
      - setPresenter: ['@Vendor\Extension\Presenter\HighlightPresenter']

Both DataProcessors are now injected with the same Presenter, while all other components continue to act independently.

Example 2: Shared DataProvider

The same procedure can be used if a common DataProvider is to be used instead of a common Presenter. In this case the method call must be setProvider():

# Configuration/Services.yaml

    tags: ['handlebars.processor']
      - setProvider: ['@Vendor\Extension\Data\HighlightProvider']
    tags: ['handlebars.processor']
      - setProvider: ['@Vendor\Extension\Data\HighlightProvider']


See also

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